Author's Note: A new fan-fic means a new color!!!! biggrin oh well, this is going to be a giganto epic! and I will work some friggin' hard on this! so....nothin' left to say, let's begin
Book 1: Sunrise
(yes, this is how big it's going to be xd )
Chapter 1
It all began with a legend, the tale of 5 heroes, and their adventure to return and retain peace and balance between the worlds. The friends they made, the hardships they endured, the battles fought, all recorded in anceint tombs many decades ago. As the years progressed, many forgot their epic deeds. The tale descended to myth, and was eventually scattered onto the winds. As they say, history is bound to repeat itself, and that is exactly what is happening. The Playhouse Castle is being resureccted, the heroes are being gathered, and the legend, is reawakining.
"Where is he? Where is he? " A frantic butler ran around the island screaming. He wore a very dignified black outfit (which was now splattered in mud from running around.) He stopped and leaned against a signpost to catch his breath. A giant white flash shot out overhead, a large growl of thunder seemed to shake the earth down to it's core. The butler jumped and looked twoards the sky, it seemed to breath darkness as the area became darker and darker with each passing second. The butler ran twoards the beach at full pace, worried beyond belief for his charge. As he drew near, he saw a boy playing with a toy sword, swinging it at a wooden dummy planted into the sand. "DIN!" The butler called out as he ran up twoards him. Din sighed, another afternoon completely ruined. "What is it Jerry?" He asked, obviously annoyed beyond belief by the tone in his voice. "It's about to come pouring down rain! We need to hurry home!" Jerry told him with a hint of franticism in his voice. Din sighed, shook his head, swung his sword over his shoulder, and strode off at a very slow pace. Without even looking back, he called out, "You comin' Jerr?" Jerry stuttered for a minute, "Y-y-y-yes sir!" then chased after his charge.
They arrived back at a big white mansion on the top of a hill. A giant stain glass window stared down from above the door. Din stood staring at the giant window portrait of the Legendary Keyblade heroes. One stood for light, one stood from darkness, and one stood in twilight. It was a story that his father would always tell him for bed when he was still young. It still seemed to echo in the back of his mind, a vivid picture came to him of him as a small child and his father. His father was a kindly man. He always wore these goofy looking glasses and these nerdy looking clothes, a plain white button up shirt and some kacky jeans, his hair was always a curly mess, looking like bird's had made it into a very big nest of their own. Din was lieing in bed that long time ago, asking his father, "Can you tell me a bed-time story?" His father smiled and nodded, "How about.....the story of the Keyblade Heroes?" Din would smile and nod excitedly. "Okay," his father would laugh, "It's the tale of these three heroes, one who stood in light, one who remained in darkness, and one who stood back to back with each, in the twilight...."
"Din.....Din! We need to get inside, it's going to rain!" Jerry was shaking him as Din stood staring at the stained glass. "Huh...oh...right." Din shook his head, and opened the two giant brown doors into the house. They walked into a big warm looking living room. A giant library lined the wall except for one area where a warm fire burned, in front of that were two black leather recliners and in between them was a crooked lamp. "Something wrong master Din?" Jerry asked, concerned. Din sighed, "I've told you before, I hate that whole formality s**t, just call me Din." Jerry, quick to jump to correcting him for cursing, stopped, and simpily smiled, "Sure thing Din, but are you okay?" Din shook his head, his curly brown hair seemed to sag as he did so. "I've been having weird dreams lately Jerry, something about a castle, these 5 little kids, and darkness, worse then the Heartless you hear about in the legends." He sulked over to the recliner and sat down. Jerry sat down in the recliner next to him and propped his feet up. "Maybe it's a sign of something to come Din," He said consoleingly, "I have heard legends of how those intertwined with fate tend to have dreams about the future to come, or something concerning their fate." "If that's the case," Din asked, "Then why me? there's nothing special about me, I can't do anything like the heroes in the legend." Jerry shook his head, "Maybe so, but always remember," he stood up, "No one can proove you wrong, except yourself." Jerry walked off, "I'm heading to bed, i'm tired, night Din." Din nodded him off, "Yea, night." He stood up himself, and walked over to the library walls. He ran his fingers over many books, looking for something that could help him out, something that could help explain the creepy dreams. Fungus For Fumblers, Hoards of Heartless, The Proper Tea Party. Din shook his head, and jumped down a couple shelves, Several Solvents, Slicing Cells, Then one caught his eye, The Legend of the Seven Kingdoms. He grabbed it from the shelves and walked over to the recliner. He turned on the light and began to read. It was in fact a good read, a epic tale of 5 noble heroes, none much older then 10, how they discovered a castle that only appeared in a time of peril, that shape-shifted to that of the imagination of the chosen leader, the doors to the many worlds and their courageous fight against evil to pertain peace throughout the land. It all added up now, the dreams, it was all connected to this old fairy tale. Question risiding, was it actually a fairy tale? Din shook his head, he coulnd't figure it out. He looked over at a clock, 2:00 AM! He got up, stretched and yawned. He walked twoards the stairs, the room starting to sway. He grabbed a railing to hold him up, what the hell was going on? A voice echoed through his head.
and with that, Din's world vanished, devoured by darkness.
A/N: And yes! It was actually called the Playhouse Castle! the heroes were all kids when they discovered it, so that's what they called it. Ahh, such fond memories, such a wonderful fan-fic..... too bad they deleated it, they deleated the entire site! it's what pisses me off >>
I'mma search around for it, if anyone knows where I can find a copy, leave me a message or something, also, comment this, and chapter 11 to my other fic, I rushed it, so, it probably sucks, but, who cares, read it, comment it, whatever, it's 1:00 AM, night...or mornin'...or whatever.
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