Age: 19
Race: Elf
Orientation: Heterosexual
Marital Status: She is married to and in love with Julian and Ren
Bio: After being cast out by her village, Evelina wandered about the countryside, honing what few skills she had, and stumbling upon new ones. After about a year and a half of drifting, she was taken in and trained by a demon hunter by the name of Corell. He taught her the ways of the huntress, showed her how to survive off of the land she protected. He gave her a companion, a wolf by the name of Kiba, whom is like a child to her.
However, when she came back to the main base after a particularly tedious grapple with a fury, she found her teacher slain, lying in a pool of his own blood. Above him was the same creature who had gotten her banished from her village, a vampire. She went into a blind rage and nearly died, but she vowed to slay the vampire. The monster that had destroyed her life twice over.
Despite her cruel past, Eve is usually kind. There is the odd time when she purposefully causes distress, but the person usually deserves whatever she is doing to them. She has a cocky air about her, that comes with the taunting she uses when fighting. Though she is a slayer, she still has a deep appreciation for nature and life, thanks to her elfin roots. She still heals those who are in desperate need, and those who ask, and will, on occasion, take a wounded animal under her wing, and nurse it back to health.



Name: Aine Kurenai
Race: Elf/Shinigami
Bio: Twin sister of Aito, daughter of Ren and Evelina, Aine is an outgoing, confident girl who, though she would never admit it, adores school. She is very close to her parents, but tends to only let her friends meet her biological father, since she figures it would be too odd to try and explain both.

Name: Aito Richards
Race: Fire demon/fae
Bio: Twin brother of Aine, son of Julian and Evelina, Aito is withdrawn and level-leaded, tending to keep to himself and speak very little. He is extremely protective of his sister, tending to hover near her and remove any unwanted attention.