Age: 14
Species: Wolf Demon

Description: Mila 's family banned her from ever coming home again. She doesn't get attached to anyone, in fear of putting them in the danger she brings with her.
Name: Kuy- KIA

I will use Kuy only wiht Kaisa_Angel
Description: Kuy is firce and loving. He loves the daemon named Kaisa, but he is hard on her, noly because he loves her.
Age: 14

decription: Kacey is not a very nice girl. She is mean, and loving at the same time. She doesn't get along wiht anyone, but sometimes there is this one person whom she has to stay away from, so they don't get hurt
Name: Saki
Age: 14

descrpiton: Saki and her companion, Fang, are not into the fighting stuff, she talks things out. Her friends, Bird and Emerald, is into fighting and protecting tohers, while Saki only protects, not fight.

Name: Mayna

Description: Mayna gets herself into trouble, and her brother, Richie, gets her out of it. She is smart, but spontanious. The guys treat her as one fo the guys, and thats what gets her in the bigest trouble.
Name: Richie
Age: 17

Decsription: Richie is Mayna's foster brother. Richie's family took in Mayna when she was ten and she has been living there for four years. He is very protective over her, and hates her getting into trouble.