If your the guy I sent the message to I don't really care what you have to say unless it is a positive or neutral statement, so go away.
His blog:
dont believe in _ _ _
i just dont think he is real and if you do i respect what you believe in and wont try and change it but just saying what i beleive
how in the hell could one mystical figure do so much and even if so he had to have sum help from m.c. hawking cuz you know he's the s**t boy
My Comment:
(I don't know because he deleted it and I don't remember anything I write, but it was something scolding him for being lame and not having any evidence)
His Reply In Message:
1. who the hell are you i don;t even know you
2.nevermind dude i dont need to know who you are i know who you are your one of them new age punks who think that what they have to say is the most important thing on the world huh lol
I know it took like a day to write another message and your prob. wondering why did he write this one a day after the other one well I had things to do lol
talk to you later good buddy that like I have known forever
(He was mocking me...hilarious.)
My Reply (and total pwnage):
Actually I've never thought that anything I'd ever say would amount to anything. Do you know why? because about 90% of the worlds population are dumb asses. Also, because of the fact that people do not know how to settle arguments through diplomatic and philosophical discussion it is clearly not possible for me to make any sort of impact on the world. The only thing I can do is rebuke any and all false or ignorant statements I find. I respect your decision to become an Atheist, but it bothers me when people do this without having any hard evidence. There is hard evidence out there, you just yet to find it. Let me guess why your an Atheist (I may be wrong), but it probably one of the classic, "Why would god let all this s**t go on?", or "God must not love me because my life is s**t, it says god loves everyone in the Bible so he must not exist." or some other blatantly stupid reasons that have no logic. There are many many things that a lot of other Christians believe that I look upon with disgust and I am undignified by the way they act. how they go to church and pretend to be angels and then leave and are horrible people. People who believe it is Gods will to smite all that oppose them. As you may have figured, I am no ordinary Christian. I'm what you call an episcopalian. Which is basically the most hated sub Christian religion. Why? because nobody else believes the stuff we believe, I like to call it the 'fill in the blank' sub religion. Because they mostly let you believe what you want to, in fact some of the people that go to my church encourage the speculation of whether God exists or not. I have done this many times and it only strengthens my faith. In fact I don't even believe most of the bible. I perceive most of it as a story book of morals of how we should live our lie, like Aesop's fables. I don't believe in Adam and eve for a couple of reasons, one is that Adam was supposedly 'created first' this is mirrored by tons of other societies 'creation myths'. it simply didn't happen that way. I believe in the theory of evolution, but the thing is. I like to call my 'theory' (not really because I don't have any evidence, it's more like a hypothesis) the great mathematician theory. the reason being is that I think god set forth a giant chain reaction of events that would eventually lead to our creation. he may or may not have interfered, I for one believe he used to, but now has given us free will. And the way he could have interfered is something called the uncertainty principle (Stephen Hawking even said this himself) you cannot determine the location and velocity of an electron at the same time. Because of this, we cannot predict our future, and we do not have a determined one. Also this means that God can change the positions or velocity of the electrons without us knowing. this may seem small but he could cause chemical reactions to happen, or make fire or lighting, all sorts of things.
I'm not trying to convert you, but it bothers me when people have no evidence to support there religious decision.
(He stopped talking to me after that)
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Atheism is actually not when you just don't believe in "God." It's when you don't believe in ANYTHING. No supernatural beings. At all.
It rather annoys me when self-proclaimed atheists confuse the word's meaning.
*Positive statement*
I <3 your use of semi-big words to confuse the s**t out of this person whose largest vocabulary word is probably "retarded".