(looks down feeling miserble.)
(looks at you and starts to laugh.)
"hey don't be sad"(starts waving armes in the air like a mad man)"Um....oh I know (and I start making funny faces to try and make you laugh)
"hey!" (covers eyes and goes to the fountain and grabs water and splashes it on face.)
"HAhaha"(laughing at myself)"You see its better to laugh, Now lets clean you up your all muddy"(I splash you a little)
(looks at you with water dripping, looks away and splashes you.) "sorry *giggling*."
" hey what I was just trying to help" (smiles inoccintlly)
"yay." (sits on the foutain, looking at you happily.)
(splashes back)" you see we can still have fun"
(looks away blushing.)
" I've said it before and i'll say it agian your alot cuter happy"
"how bout the zoo." (looking away blushing shyly.)
"so where would you like to go now?"(standing up)" I'll take you any where you'ld like"
"thanks but isn't this too much trouble?"
"the zoo it is"(Iwalk over a pick you up, then I take us to the zoo)
"hmmm how about the kangarooos?"
"nah, no trouble at all"(as I smile) "so where to first?"
"aww isn't he cute." (struggles wanting to stand.)
"sure"(when we get there, there is a joey riding in his mothers pouch with his head sticking out)
(the kangaroos hop away.) "lets go see the tigers next."
(I let you stant but stay close in case you need to lean on me) "yeah he is cute"
(I then fall on my knees.)
"Okay,"(Istartin the dircation of the tigers)" and if you need to you can lean on me for support"
" Hey whats wronge"( running over to you)
"My ankle hurts and i can't keep walking."
"ok." (sounding shy.)
" okay then "(I lift you on my back again) "now lets go see those tigers"
(I hurry to the tiger but make sure not to go to fast so as not to hurt you
when we get there the mother tiger just had cubes a few days before and all the little cubes are rolling around and playing)
"yeah they sure are." (a boy looks over and laughs making fun of any one calling cubs cute.)
(the cubs are still very young so they are tripping over each other alot but still having fun just learning to walk)"They're so cute do'nt you think"
(I look at him then you.) "Yeah your right, he's an idiot." (boy hears idiot and yells out hey who said that, i look away like nothing ever happened.)
" hey whats so funny""ah he's not worth getting angery over "
9 laugh a bit)"ok where to next"
"how about the seals?"
(I walk along side you holding the pain.)
"okay lets go"( and I take you to see the seals)
"ok." (I go to the bench and sit down.) "much better."
"you should not be walking lets take a break and go sit on that bench"(pointing to a bench to our left)"okay'
"yeah.' (stomach rumbles, looks away blushing.)
" are you hungery?"
(I wai around thinking.) should i, no *shakes head* no I won't do it
Okay then" (Iwalk over to the food cort and get us some lunch)
(when I get back I give you your meal)"eat up, okay, then your leg will heal faster"
"ohh thanks." (I take a small bite but then stop, thinking.)
(looks away sadly.) "I don't want to hurt you."
"What you thinking about?"
"Hurt me?"(I turn my head confused)
"i can heal myself in a special way but to do so i have to hurt you and i don't want to." (looks at you sadly.)
(gets up.) "NO! I won't hurt you." (I turn around and run into a crowd of people, tears fly.)
" go ahead I'm a fast healer"
(I run out of the crowd and run to an arcade.)
(jump above the crowd and try to locate you in side it)
( I fallow in to the arcade and try to keep an eye on where you are)
(I run and bump into someone.) "sorry." (I rub my head and try to get up i get up and my ankle hurts i fall.) "Darn *I growl*."
"Let me go."
(Icatch up to you and pick you up)" you shouldn't run like that when your hurt you'll make your injury worse"(and I take you out of the arcade)
"You wanted me to hurt you."
"okay"(I put you down when we get away from the crowd)"why did you run?"
(looks away.)
"No I wanted you to help you"
(looks at you with sad eyes.)
"Hey don't worry about it"(walks over and sites next to you)
(Looks down.) "ok." (notices ankle bleeding.)
"cheer up, onigya shimasu"((japanese for pretty please))
"very well since its the only way." (I hug you and my eyes glow dark blue< I start sucking energy from you, your heart beats in pain.)
(I rewrap it to stop the bleeding)"You should not worry so much I would gladly take some pain to keep you from havivg it."
(my ankle heals completly and my eyes glow back to normal I faint.)
(I wince in pain)
(People walk by looking at us. ) ((by the way do you have a gaia car?))
(i weakly stumbel over to yuo, and lay down next to you before passing out)
((yeah))(Iwake up half an hour later with a spilting headache)
(I wake up tired and weak.)
(I look at you and then away.) "My ankles all better."
"hahaha, that was a rush"(and I then smile weakly at you)
(I struggle to get up but fall on my knees.) "I'm still weak also." (looks around.) "Lets sit on the bench for a while."
"Thats good,"(I try and stand and have a bit of trouble at first but I get up, only to fall back on my butt)" well I guese I'm still a little weak hahaha"
(I run to a bench and plop right down, I lie down breathing tiredly.)
"okay"(I drag myself over to the closes bench)
"Yeah." (sits up.) "We sure are."
"Ha ha ha, we're a mess"(I put my arm around you)
"Well ok." (Gets up and walks to a store.)
"Ha ha ha well all in all that wasn't to bad"
( Iwait for you to get back after trying and failling to fallow)
(I come back with two bags.) "nice to see you sir." (giggles.)
"Stuff for me and you."
"Nice to see you to mylady, um whats in the bages?"
"Oh come on you know me." (I hug you.)
"oh um nice jacket"
(I stop and sit next to you, I get out a toy panther and give it to you.) "Here I bought this for you."
)I hug you back)
"thanks but what about for you?"
"I bought myself a toy wolf." (I hold it up to you making wolf noises.)
"grr wooof."
(I pick up my panther and make panther noises)
(I make my wolf bite your panthers paw.)
'ra ouw"
(I make my wolf try to bite your panther.)
(I make my pantherlick its paw and then bite your wolf's tail)
(I make my wolf lie down licking its tail and growl at your panther.)
(I make my panther break free)
(I put my panther on my head to rest)
(I stop and put my wolf back in the bag.) "That was fun wasn't it?"
(I get up and grab your hand.( "Come on."
" yeah that was fun"
(I take you to a park,I let you go and start skipping.)
(i fallow)
(i fallow after)