The Garden
Shadows creep through this garden of the damned, This field populated with tortured souls, They tear out the hopes and dreams of all who enter, They feast on the joy and happiness, Leaving only the pain and the suffering, Assisting in the growth of the garden, In the destruction of life.
Untitled 1
Back and forth, The cradle slowly rocks, The baby inside rolls in its cage, Tears flow from its innocent eyes, But nobody comes to the infant’s side, Nobody hears its cries of pain, Nobody…
Flowers line the small path, Filling the hearts of all who travel it with joy, All but one, One who finds pain in the bright colors, Who finds suffering in the cheerful nature of the chirping birds, And the buzzing bees, And the laughter of his fellow humans, Yet everyday, he returns to this place, He smiles through the pain he feels, Because he knows he’s only feeling the bite of a memory…
The sound builds to a unbearable screech, People cover their ears and yell at the foul noise, But I sit there and smile at this noise, At the electric wale of the guitar and the rapid thumping of the drums, At the speedy bass in the background and the terrifying scream of the singer, To most, this is just noise spewed forth from hell, But to me, this is music.
Untitled 2
You keep telling me it’s pointless, You seem convinced it’s impossible, But despite the distance, No matter the complications, I will always love you.
Death seems to be your only wish, It seems you’d rather escape then wait, But I am willing to wait for the day, I still have faith that we will be together, I will always love you.
I wish only to make you happy, I hate myself for ever having hurt you, But I cannot bring myself to leave you, for fear of making it all worse, I will always love you.
Please, believe me when I tell you that no matter what challenges have been laid out for us, there is always hope for us. Please try to understand this…
With love and tears, Simon S.
You straighten your hair, You put on all your make-up, You dress in your mainstream clothes, You do all the same things as every one else, You do this day after day, Hoping it will make them accept you, Make them think you’re cool, But style does not come from a magazine or a TV show, Style comes from life, experience, an personality, Style is an expression on one’s self, Not expression of the masses, Sadly, this false thought has claimed lives, It has taken souls, It has torn down the dreams of those who are not “perfect’, If this is style to you, I’ll stay out of it, Because I actually have pride..
The man with the raven soul
A shadow plays in my heart, The darkness laughs like a cheery child, These things people oppress feel welcome in my presence, I am the keeper of the darkness, I am the man with the raven soul.
The night sky clings close to my aura, The black which the sun fears is a cozy home for me, These feelings people push into submission show freely in me, I am the keeper of darkness, I am the man with the raven soul.
This is my pain
My wrist throbs with the temptation of pain, My mind burns with the knowledge I only make things worse, I can’t say the truth through my eyes without hurting someone, No matter how gently I lay out my words.
My eyes well up with tears, But the tears are not my own, but the tears of the people I’ve hurt, No matter how cheery I seem, that cure is eating away at my heart.
Even as I write now, My ears burn with the sound of the new weeping I brought into the world, And my tongue scorches within my mouth at the bitter words I have so often spoken.
Only in my writing can I speak my mind without spawning new pain, Only when I pour my heart into the pen and paper can I keep myself from hurting, Only when in the darkness of my room with words spoken in silence can I express these feelings, For this is the life I am cursed to live, For this is my pain I am forced to live through.
>.< is it just me, or are these like, totally depressing
 me in August (PS, I'm bi)
akuma kawaii · Sat Nov 24, 2007 @ 07:47pm · 0 Comments |