i know i hsd a cat named sylvester.yesterday (11/22/07)was my first thanks giving since the 6 grade.i miss her a lot.this will also be the first christmas without was alwys a joyful holiday for me.but now since sylvester is gone.i'm very sad.i am now in tenth grade.sure sylvester was scary sometimes,but i still loved time she bit my eye just to wake me up.she used to wake me up for school every day i was suposed to go to one time,she peed on my sister's dvd was very funny.the first day i got her,she went pee underneath the computer counter.she did this butt thing where she put her butt up in the air.another time,sylvester decided to sit o het toys when she was playing with them.she would also attack for some unkown reason and out of nowhere.she was spoiled.i spoiled her.every time she did something bad,i take her to my room so that they don't know i didn't spank her on her nose.i let her do what ever she wants.she disapeared one day and she never came back.i think my parents got rid of her.they say they didn't but i don't believe them.i would have believed them if they hadn't told be that 2 dogs came and ate bootsy,a cat i had when i was 5.the truth was,they made bootsy lose her hind legs.they could've put her to sleep or put her in a wheel chair.they put her to sleep.they could've told me they put her to sleep,but they didn't.that's why i don't beleive them when they say they ddon't know where sylvester went.i love and miss you sylvester.
 Art by Geno Rhapsody