Hello there. ^___^ I'm new. Well lets see...
I've lived in Vegas my whole life,
I'm a girl,
You can just call me Cara,
My b-day is Feb. 26 so I'm a Pisces and I'm a rat(Chinese zodiac),
I don't smoke, drink, or do drugs,
I am about 5'7"/5'8" maybe 5'9",
I have wavy and curly dark ash blonde/light ash brown hair,
I have green eyes,
I wear glasses,
I have freckles,
I'm a huge Anime and Manga fan,
I make up my own characters for different things(even though they all look about the same, silly me not making big differances(sp?)xD), and I am also an "Anime Freak" as my friends say. Not that it's a bad thing of course. They also say that I'm an "Anime Encyclopedia(sp?)" and always come to me with questions. They say I know everything about every show, I think I just know alittle, maybe alot. They also call me the "Anime Library" because they say I have all the Anime in the world.xD I don't I just have alot.
I like to sing, draw, write, read books, watch movies, play video games, and go on the computer. I'm also big on myths and legends. I'm also facinated by things like dragons, vampires, pirates, shamans, elves, faries/fairies/faeries, the fae, the fair folk, magic/magick(or however else you spell it), and other things like that.
Thanks for reading this and I wish you all Love, Peace, and DOUGHNUTS. o^__^o Hehehe too much Trigun.
I have a Sheezy Art My Sheezy page and DA account My DA page you can check them out if you want.
My sister(nekospookychan on here) has a section on DA she's called necrospooky you should check hers out too. Sisters DA page
If you really care what I look like here are some pics

Also I don't know if you know this site (albinoblacksheep.com) but it has some funny/interesting videos. Here are a few links to ones I like
My favs are the ones with the bunny and the cat and Shii's song. I hope you like them. ^^
You Know You're From Nevada When...
You prefer In and Out to McDonalds and Del Taco to Taco Bell
You can count cards
You know that prostitution is illegal in Las Vegas
You've wondered if your cab ride will end up on Taxi Cab Confessions
More of your friends were born in California than Nevada
Your car's overheated - before you started driving
You know what all the combinations mean on a slot machine
You don't answer the phone during UNLV basketball
You see more billboards than trees on the road
You've seen a red leather male chastity belt in full color on the front page of the living section
You have legal brothels within a half hour's drive of your state legislature
You have a smoking section in your supermarket
You have ever thought New Jersey sounded like a nice, wholesome place to visit
You know that Pahrump is not actually the punchline of a bad joke. At least, not always
You know which one is Roy and which one is Siegfried
Your car payment is higher than your rent
You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Nevada.
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You Know You're From Las Vegas When...
You know which one is Sigfriend and which one is Roy
You've played slots... in 7-11
Your car payment is more than your rent
You've seen a porn star up close
Your McDonald's has a hand-painted portrait of Marilyn & Elvis
The slot machines in the airport drown out the PA announcements
You've attended a drive through wedding
You've been to a museum... at a casino
Your favorite form of mass transport is free
You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Las Vegas.
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Your match is GOKU!!(theif-you know, you can alwaystake the quiz again and leave him to me^^J/K)He loves to eat, annoy Gojyo, and kick someevil youkai a**! He loves to fight the toughestdemons. He's alittle(okay alot)Childesh, butwho doesn't love kids?(Sanzo doesn't count)Hemay not look like he cares about you on theoutside, but deep down he cares.(No seriously,take the quiz again...You can always changeyour answer!!!)
Which Saiyuki Char. Is Your Match?(for girls) brought to you by Quizilla
Ryunosuke Umemiya - Good god, I never thoughtsomeone would get this guy.. Ryu is alwayslooking for his 'Best Place' and I`m sure thatits really you! He`ll take you for rides on hismotorcycle. Just watch out for his hair, itweighs about 20 lbs and could knock you out ifit collides with your head.
Which Shaman King Guy is Your Match? brought to you by Quizilla
I have some more test results here http://www.webspawner.com/users/caragratton/index.html
I added some new ones too.
give Cara_Gratton more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own
Certificate of MarriageThis is to certify thatCara + Ryuwere marriedon the 26th day of January 2005 ~~~~~~ MYFC ~~~~~~
Hi. Guess what? It's my B-day! I'm...how old again...oh yeah I'm physically 26. ^_^ O_o Wow, I forgot I was that old physically. Probably cause everyone thinks I'm 15-18 when they look at me, oh well. Oh and I say physically because mentally I think I'm about 6. ^_^ And to all who have my B-day Happy Birthday! To those that don't A Very Merry Unbirthday! xd