JP and I remained in the hospital for a while longer, holding off enemies and helping to end the battle on Cratos.
I had tought JP a lot of tactics, attacks, and a few other tricks of the trade over the few days. She had tought me about healing abilities as well. Overall I suppose you could call these our "Training Days."
The feeling of battle had become second-nature once more after such a long and dry period of peace in my realm. I hadn't remembered how I got here yet, but I'm slowly not caring. It's sad to say this, but it's the way I feel. Speaking of which, even though I said I grew fond of her, it appears JP believes that I was under the influence of sleep. I can't blame her, I'd probably believe that too if I had to take care of someone who had been asleep for days on end. I won't tell her again, because it would seem she only thinks of me as a friend.
I heard a couple of stories about her after a while.All said one thing unanimously, JP changed into a Hybrid. She somehow became a Hybrid, she was destined for something. "JP, I hear you weren't always a Hybrid." I said this in the showers, when she's in her best mood. "You heard right, I wasn't always a Hybrid. I 'awoke' into being a Hybrid I guess you could say."
She came near me as she spoke, thank whoever made bikinis, because oooo did she look hot. "My parents were killed by Carnaso's soldiers when I was very young, I can still remember their cries of horror, the pain in their eyes, and their last words. 'JP, stay strong, don't give in to Carnaso.......stay strong my baby' those were both mother and father's last words. I could only sit there crying, balling, I couldn't move. One of Carnaso's soldiers swung his blade at me. I awaited my death, ready to be reunited with my mother and father. But, someone stopped that blade. A dragon/angel Hybrid, white with light blue markings like tribal tattoos all over her body. 'This isn't what your parents wanted!' is what she roared as she took down those soldiers with uppercuts, spin kicks, and energy blasts that were light blue. The soldiers fell, ' You need to be strong JP. Your father and mother knew this day would come, they want you to stay alive. That's the reason they threw themselves in front of that monster.' The Hybrid spoke to me with a voice that was motherly. ' I'm Angel, one of Draco's Wrath, I am going to help you. To help you be strong JP, to help you out, to be your friend. I AM your friend. I love you like a mother. And I must fuse with you, in order for us to defeat Carnaso.' ' Why? You are among the most powerful of the Hybrids why would you need my help?' I returned, staring at this marvel, a hero among the most powerful crew in the Hybrid realm. ' I'm dying as well, but if I fuse with you, I will survive, not only that, but in fusing with you I can become stronger than ever. And we can defeat Carnaso.' 'Then fuse with me. What are you waiting for?' I replied to her in disbelief. She did, and that's when I became a Hybrid, it's also when I recieved these scars." I just stared in amazement.
"What about you?You came from the Human Realm, so I suppose you weren't always a Hybrid either." I still stared, but I answered after a moment or two.
"I got setup into a fight even I wouldn't be able to win. I was the kid who stayed to himself, but was messed with all the time. I became a great fighter, but when it's 10:1, there's little chance to win. I fought them all anyway, using the hit-and-run tactic, run and pull 180's to where you slam into the person behind you. But after a while I ran out of juice, inable to run anymore. Eventually they all caught up, and proceded near me. I saw all of thier individual smirks, but the one that aggrevated me most was the traitor of the group's, he played me for a fool acting like my friend and then turning on me with the best fighters he could round up. I was prone to erupting with rage, but when I did it that time, I felt even more power coursing through me, so much so that I started to have a red aura appear around my body. My irises followed suit, turning red and allowing me to have an internal radar. Sensing my opponents next movements, grew to a quick advantage, after that a blur of rage is what I became. Throwing fierce punches, and slamming into my opponents so hard that they flew. All I could think to do was chase after the traitor, and hust before I came down on him, I yelled' You made the biggest mistake of your life!' I unleashed a flurry of punches upon his upper-body, and for his head, I unleashed ten punches and five headbutts, enough to knock him almost completely out of his senses. After doing all that damage, I returned to my little corner of playground. A place among the swings, and just sat there waiting for the recess bell. When Skold, my Hybrid came upon me. A black dragon/human Hybrid with what appeared to be red tribals all over his body, said, ' I'm your friend. My name is Skold and I helped you with what you accomplished back there. Let me fuse with you. I need to in order to allow my and your strength to be at it's fullest potential. You are special, and a major journey awaits you, but in order to be ready, you must fuse with me.' ' You're my guardian, you protected me, and you helped me get revenge. Why are you still out there? Fuse with me already!' I returned. When he finally finished, I awoke in the swing. And although I was told it was just a dream I knew otherwise. That day, the traitor had a bent forearm, a bruised ribcage, a bruised skull, and decided to move away after recovery." JP stared at me. "Whoa, you had a rough time finding acceptance before you merged with Skold. Man things probably got worse huh?" She asked amused by my story, "No, everyone already denied me, it was just out of fear from that day forward."
"Anyway." I said stepping out of the shower, "Goodnight JP.""Goodnight Skold."
I laid down in the bed, and looked at her as she began to lay down in her own new bed."Hey JP.." "Yeah?" "Could you hum that little lullaby you hummed for me the day I woke up?" "Yes, I can Skold."
As she sang it... all I could muster was a "Than...." Before falling into deep slumber.
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I'm busy tryin to make my rl get back on track, sadly this may wind up taking me off Gaia, I thank all who have been friends to me and ask that you all hold onto your life and live.