I forgot to mention yesterday...
*busts out the disco ball* paaaaarrrrrtay!
but no seriously, without all of you, all my efforts would be a waste, I thank you all for staying with us in this adventure
*mumbles: though maybe a comment or two...maybe even some help with a title and banner would make this better...just a thought...*
so, thanks again you guys! you rock! if you could, list some names (charecter names) i'd like a few guest stars in the coming chapters
because as we all know, Pokemon is the only anime to have as many guest charecters as they do!
i'm thinkin' of adding a couple new main charecters too....maybe a new buddy and a rival....so think on that, leave me bios and s**t, and i'll get to work on it!
so, enough of my rambling, on to Chapter 11! *begins funkin' down with the disco ball*
Chapter 11
The day had been progressing pretty smoothly for Kuro and Olivia. One battle after another, some even in double battles. The gang was travling on the Nugget Bridge, where, if you defeat all 10 trainers, you win a peice of gold known as a Nugget. The opponent's Nidoran combo fell to the ground in defeat. "OH NO!!!" He yelled out, "NIDORAN!!!" After a certain victory dance, Kuro shouted, "YESSSS!!! VICTORY NUMBER NINE!!!!!" Olivia smiled, wiped the sweat from her brow, and leaned over the rail of the bridge. She looked down at the water to see a crystal clear reflection of herself. She smiled lightly, then looked over at Kuro and Treecko doing a victory dance and swinging around like over-excited drunks. It was tiring, crossing the bridge, 2 miles long with 10 trainers to fight, way too much work. She sat down, and pulled out a water bottle. Kuro and Treecko came and plopped down next to her. "You're doing a good job so far," Kuro told her smiling. Olivia smiled and nodded. She took a quick gulp, then passed the bottle to Kuro and Treecko. After a quick rest, Kuro and Treecko jumped up, pulled Olivia up, and they were off again. A soft breeze blew, inviting them twoards the end of the bridge. The sun darted out behind a couple puffy gray clouds, Pidgey and Spearow flew overhead. After about 50 minutes of walking, they saw the last trainer on the bridge, sitting in a chair with a pair of binnoculars. They ran up to him, but he didn't even notice them. He had dark black hair with green streaks running through them, and was wearing a green vest and blue jeans. Kuro went up, "Umm...excuse me," "SHHHHH!!" he commanded, "Do you want to scare them off?" Kuro was confused, "Scare who off?" He kneeled down next to the guy and looked through the bridge to see what he was looking at. "Schoolgirls, white shirts, splashfight." The guy said breifly. Kuro's interest was peaked, "So what are we talkin' here? D's, C's, what?" The guy handed Kuro the Binnoculars to he could see too. "What are you two talking about?" Olivia asked confused. "Sorry 'Liv," Kuro said, "You don't got a willy, you don't get the silly." Kuro and the guy heard the crack of knuckles, they turned around slowly to see a fire burning in Olivia's eyes. "Well, it was nice knowin' me," Kuro sighed and braced himself.
~ One a** Beating Later ~
"Sorry about that!" Kuro and the guy apologised, giant lumps lining their head. Olivia shook her head, "No no, I'm the one who should be apologising, I went a bit overboard." She scratched her head and sighed. "So," Kuro picked himself up, "Are you, the final trainer on this bridge?" The guy picked himself up as well, "Yea, actually I am, congrats on making it here! I have some prizes for you...somewhere..." he began shuffling around in his pockets, then he pulled out two pieces of gold. Kuro's eyes seemed to sparkle as they followed the two pieces of gold. "They're called Nuggets, worth about 5000 each." The man smiled, then shoved them back into his pocket. He pulled out a pokeball, and got into a fighting stance, "You ready? Who will fight me for both of you?" Kuro stepped forward, and pulled out his pokeball. He threw it and out popped Mankey, "I will." He grinned. The man seemed stunned at first, chuckled, then threw his. Out of the pokeball in a bright flash, came another Mankey. "I'll give you the first move!" the trainer called out. "Karate Chop!" Kuro yelled as Mankey charged in. With a certain swiftness, and in one blow, the other Mankey was on the ground, down and out. Kuro extended his hand, "Now, i'd like my prize." The man grinned and ran off. Kuro began to chase after him untill Mankey smacked him in the head. "What was that for? You let him escape!" Mankey shook one finger, it extended it's other hand and opened it. Inside were the two Nuggets. Olivia ran over and gave Mankey a squeeze, "You clever little monkey you!" Mankey seemed to blush, and it scratched it's head, embarressed.
The gang, after selling their gold for some seriously needed cash, made their way over to Curulean Cape. The sun was setting when they arrived, leaving a beautiful orange reflection off of the water. Olivia sat down, letting her legs dangle over the water below, "It's at time's like this that I wish my boyfriend was here..." She sighed happily. Kuro merely scoffed, as he leaned on the railing of bridge, staring out twoards the sunset. "What's got you?" Olivia asked. "At least you have someone you care about, and someone that cares about you." He shook his head. "Oh come on!" She smiled, "I'm sure someone cares about you, like your mother." Kuro seemed to twinge at that one word, then he grinned, "In case you haven't noticed, I don't have a mother." Olivia gasped, "What happened to her?" Kuro chuckled, then looked back twoards the sunset, "Who knows, who cares, I don't even know what she looks like, you forget," his grin faded, "I'm an orphan." Olivia stared at him for a minute, then looked back down twoards the water, "Oh...right..." She sighed, then smiled, "I'm sure of it though." Kuro looked down, "Sure of what?" "I'm sure there is someone out there, who you'll meet, that will care about you." Kuro sat there for a minute, then smiled. "Thanks, even if you just said that and didn't mean it." They watched the sun fade behind the horizon, trying to imagine what the world had in store for them tommarow.
A/N: Okay, again, grounded forever, plus with step-dad's new schedule. never had the time....oh well, it's done now
okay, let me just land this on ya, I'm makin' another fan-fic. it's kinda a KH thing, but it's also involving worlds from the Nintendo universe. it's kinda like this fan-fic I read by someone named Seasona. Oh my god it was one of the best things i've ever read in my entire life! It was like something you expected to win a global award or something! it was the freakin' best! so, in dedication of her greatest of novels EVER, i'm makin' somethin' along the same general lines. EXPECT A CROSSOVER BETWEEN THIS FIC AND THAT ONE!!!!!!! blaugh eventually, we are going to have a intersection between the two! which will be friggin' awesome!
well, I have to get to work, so, enjoy this. and, I love you all......you wonderful people ^^ heart
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