So Sheresh is holding the smoking gun up to Claire's father, right? And in the last of Isaac's paintings shows him dead, and Claire and West making out, right? It would be too predictable to have the two pictures so close in relation knowing how the show has been so... "wow" and different; always making you think harder about EVERYTHING. Me thinks that maybe Sheresh has a new power, the power to heal. Somehow someone had given up their ability and gave it to him (that parts just my theory). After the last shown episode, it showed HRG (Claire's father the Horn Rimmed Glasses Guy) had a gun and shot some other person.working for both HRG and Bob, so there must be some conflict with them. Bob needs Claire for something, most likely having to do with her power (maybe her blood?) but HRG refuses. HRG has been branching off from the company, which probablly isn't making Bob too happiful. (This part is just kind of a flash back)...........................
That 4 Months Ago Episode was supposed to help make better understandings, right? All it's doing for me is making me more confuzed. =_= Hey, what happened to Peter? And how is Adam where he is? And where did that Irish chick go?? *whoowho!!* she's in a whole different time!! They must have just kind of forgot about her. Either she's real frieghtend, or extreamlly ticked (wouldn't you?)
Ok, bak to theory. HRG is out of the question. He's plannig to move (escape) and Claire won't go. West is still freaked out, and thats it right now. They'll probablly get bak to them next week. ( I like West, he's cute heart but I'm still all for the Claire/West pairing, k) as of right now, what's important is finding out how Adam and Peter are where they are.
You think that Kensei blew up after Hiro set the camp on fire, but apperantlly that's not how it works...^^