friend: hi
friend: whats up
me: hi
me: who r u again?
friend: ur best friend
me: sory!
me: lol
friend: lol
friend: np
me: nm
friend: yeps same
friend: ok
me: too bad we couldnt go to our friends house
friend: yea
friend: ya no the sleep over thing at our friends house?
friend: i cant go
me: that sucks
me: not even during winter break?
friend: i asked her and she said no
me: that's stupid!
friend: i no... the only reason is cuzmy mom has never met karlies mom she said no
me: then hav her meet her mom!
friend: lol..when
me: idk
friend: ok well maybe i can ask her if i can go over but not sleep over....and maybe i can have her mom call my mom and see if its ok
friend: what web site should i go to
me: gaia
friend: cant mom blocked me
friend: LMAO
me: yea
friend: so
friend: what do u want to talk bout
me: idk
friend: same
friend: LOL
me: yea
friend: LAMO histericly
friend: *LMAO
me: yea
friend: razz i am on neopets and it is boring
me: lol
friend: yeps
me: i really wish my mom didnt block gaia
me: yea
friend: my mom got mad at me cuz i was talking to ppl and i was going on it for a long time
friend: and she thought i was upsessed and i wasnt
friend: it was the only fun website i could go on
me: sigh
friend: yea
me: well tell her its a "new version" of neopets!
friend: LOL
friend: she wont believe it
friend: o yea and i only went on it over the summer
friend: and over the summer was really boing
me: yea
friend: so that is all i could do
friend: sigh
friend: LMAO
friend: gaia online: error code:403 forbidden. the isa server denied the specified uniform resource locator (url).(12202)
friend: LOL that was funny
me: lol
friend: huh?
friend: ok should i change my aol mail color to black purple pink orange blue(light blue or green
me: idk
friend: ok ill just keep it on purple
friend: LMAO
friend: i luv happy bunny
friend: LOL
friend: omg....ya no the email u sent me the origin of the shot gun???
me: yea
friend: it was from august 15 i kept it that long
friend: LOL
friendt: that was funny
me: lol
friend: yeps
friend: lol
friend: LOL
friend: lol
friend: sorry trying something new
friend: ok
me: brb
friend: k
me: bac
me: stupid sisters
friend: lol
friend: lol
friend: wb
me: wb?
friend: welcome bac
me: oooo
friend: lol
friend: ello
me: mushi mushi
friend: LOL
friend: sooooooo
friend: what do u want to talk bout
me: idk
friend: surprise
friend: LMAO
friend: ello
me: bonjour
friend: lol
me: who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
friend: OMG
friend: OMG
me: obsorbasnt and yellow and chorus is he!
friend: NOOO
me: his nuitical nuicence be something u wish!
friend: noooooo
friend: stop
me: who flops on the deck and blubs like a fish!
friend: ok zuzu
me: R ya ready?
me: spongebob squarepants
me: spongebob squarepants
friend: ZUZU
friend: no no no no
me: spongebob...
me: O YEA
friend: NO
friend: stop
me: and now its time to wind it down w/ the campfire song song!!!!
friend: NO
friend: NO
friend: NO
friend: NO
friend: NO
friend: NO
friend: NO
me: Lets gather round the campfire and sing our campfire song!
friend: NOOOO
me: our C A M P F I R E S O N G song!
friend: NO
me: and if dont think that we can sing it faster then ur wrong, but it'll help if you just sing along!
me: c-a-m-p-f-i-r-e s-o-n-g song!
me: c-a-m-p-f-i-r-e s-o-n-g song!
friend: STOP IT NOWW
me: and if u dont think that we can sing it faster then ur wrong but it'll help if u just sing along!
me: c-a-m-p-f-i-r-e s-o-n-g song! PATRIC!
friend: STOP
me: campfire-song-sing
me: squidward!
me: ............................
me: GOOD!
me: it'll help!
me: it'll help!
me: if u just sing anlong!!!!
me: O YEA!!!
me: *smash instruments*
friend: no
friend: LOLOL
me: now wasnt that relaxing
me: ?
friend: LOL
friend: not really
friend: it was getting annyoning
me: hmmm a nother song......hmmm.............
me: hmmm!
me: idea
friend: NO
friend: NO MORE
me: when i was a little kid i thought there was one kind of cheese!
me: o i kno!
me: all covered in cheese!
me: i lost my poor meatball
me: when somebody sneezed
me: !
me: it rolled off the table
me: and onto the floor
me: and then my poor meatball
me: rolled out the door
me: it rolled into garbage
me: then under a bush
me: and then my poor meatball
friend: no katherine stop
me: was nothing but mush
me: so next time ur eating
me: spaghetti with cheese
friend: cut it out
me: hold onto ur meatball
friend: lol
me: if somebody seeze
me: YAY!!!
friend: LOL
me: and now....drumroll please...........
friend: ok
friend: no
me: ok
me: um
friend: fall
me: when darkness turns to light it ends 2night
me: just a little
me: and time
me: wont make this right
me: too late to fight
me: it ends tonight!
friend: i luv tha song
me: somebody told me
me: that u had a boyfriend
friend: i did
me: who looked like a girlfriend
friend: waht
me: the song
friend: i am so confused
me: lol
friend: stop confusing me
friend: ahhhhhhhhhhhh
friend: it isnt funny
me: hmm wat to sing next?
me: i kno!
me: its elmo hour!
friend: OMG
friend: no
friend: plz no
me: la la la la
me: la la la la
me: elmos song!
me: la la la la
friend: elmos world
friend: LOL
me: la la la la
me: elmos song!
friend: stoppppp
me: i wrote the music!
me: i wrote the words!
me: that 's elmos song!
me: la la la la big birds song!
me: la la la la
me: bibg birds song!
friend: plz stop i am not in the mood
me: i wrote the music!
friend: i no
me: i wrote the words!
me: that's big birds song!
me: ok then, lets build a word!
me: D
friend: no
me: O
friend: stop
me: G
me: DOG!
me: fine blues clues
friend: no
friend: no
me: we just got a letter
friend: NO
me: we just got a letter
me: we just got a letter
friend: -crying
me: i wonder who it
friend: -
me: s from
me: ~
friend: :'(
me: finr
me: fine
friend: .;9÷2ß4V-
friend: thank u
me: hb: the itsy bitsy spider
me: went up the water spout
friend: no more singing
friend: u need to sleeep
me: ok then im gonna send u a link and i want u to listen to the song!
friend: fine
me: yay!
friend: lol
friend: ok it is loading
me: yay
friend: LOL
friend: waaaahhh its being mean
me: cry
friend: lol
friend: which one do i pick
me: tim mcgraw 123 like a bird i sing
me: last dollar
friend: i no nvm
friend: i am watching it
friend: that was good
me: yay
friend: LOL
me: its one of my fav songs
friend: lol
friend: cool
friend: i gonna go now i am tyred
friend: bi bi
me: no
me: !
friend: i have to
friend: ok
me: no!
me: NO!!!
friend: i need to take a shower and i am tired
me: so take one tomorrow
me: and talk to me
friend: well this is what u get for sing ign
friend: Iing
friend: *ing
me: but i hav to sing!
me: please
me: stay
friend: i have to go to church tomorrow and i have to
friend: LOL
me: u hav to lol?
friend: for alittle while
friend: yea
friend: lol
friend: ill stay
me: yay!!!!!
me: i wont sing
friend: omg ur like a little kid
me: yea
friend: thank u
friend: LOL
me: sugar................
friend: u need some one to stay with u
me: *starts to vibrate*
friend: lol
friend: LOL
me: well i hav my lil sisters
me: my older bro
me: and his gf
friend: yea well u need an older sister sort of
friend: like really really really close friends
me: i wanna go bowling
me: !
friend: LOl
friend: that was randome
friend: ok
me: not to me
friend: lets
me: my parents r out bowling
friend: really
me: yep
friend: cool
me: but they're just at the old one a couple of blocks over
friend: LOL
me: u want me to send u my journals from gaia?
friend: sure
me: yay!
friend: lol
me: i'll email it!
friend: ok
friend: brb
me: k
me: O.
me: MY
me: GOD
me: i just got a foxtail as a gift!
me: from the gaia ppl!
friend: lol
friend: cool
me: and it's expensive!
friend: lol
me: and i hav like 81 inks
friend: oww i stubed my toe
friend: LOL
me: ow
friend: yea
friend: ok when ya gonna email it to me
me: in a minute!
friend: ok
friend: now are u
friend: now are u
me: hold on!
friend: now r u now r u
friend: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
friend: are u now
me: almost done
friend: YEYEYEEY
me: k
friend: hmmmm
friend: ok i still have origin of a shot gun only
me: lol
me: i kno
friend: hmmmm
friend: I have signed out.
friend: I have signed on.
friend: no what
me: idk
me: read the journal entries
friend: ok
friend: LOL
friend: u slipped when u were wearing slippers
friend: LOL
friend: i am sorry this is funny
friend: teeheee ur a spastic clutz
friend: OMG the poems u wrote are so emo
me: yea
me: no!
friend: LOL
friend: that was funny
friend: ur a spastic cluts
friend: u fell off a table and u slipped in slippers and u write emo stuff
friend: could this get any better
me: no
me: yep
friend: LOL
friend: no
me: keep reading!
friend: whats the no for
friend: i did
friend: all done
friend: ok i really need to take a shower i am sooo tired
friend: ok
friend: ok
friend: i go to bed
friend: night
friend: hey ya there
friend: well bi bi i need to sleep
friend: I have signed out.
ok that was long lol! anyway............. on friday after we ran, i asked a guy if i could hit him, he said yes if he could hit me back, so i hit him, and we kept hitting each other and then he hit me in the chest!! so me and my friend, A, cho was also standing there, stood w/ our mouths open gaping at him as he started to blush like crazy! he said: "im sorry! i didnt mean to hit u there! i swear!" and A said: "abusive!" and i said and pointed: "pervert!!!" and he just kept apologizing and he put his head in his gym uniform shirt it was s funny! now i hav him at my mercy! twisted anyway wats ur ppls fav songs? mine is lips of an angel by hinder, i also like many other songs like: her eyes, rockstar, girlfriend, and a whole bunch of other songs. i usually like fergies songs, but her latest song, clumsy, sucks, which is strance cuz her songs r usually good! well thats it for now! thanks for reading! o and if u hav any ideas on how to use my info on the guy who hit me please let me kno! 4laugh
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