I awoke to a warzone, a very big warzone.
I was in a futuristic hospital, but gunfire was closeby I can only imagine what was going on.A nurse only my age walked into my room in a hurry.She for some strange reason was attractive.(She was hot.)She had absolutely nothing that made her look any different from a regular human, but I was about to find otherwise."Oh, you're awake.Well, I suppose all you needed WAS rest."She said with a sense of perkiness in her voice."What's going on?Where the hell am I?An just who the hell are you?"I said still dazed."I'm JP, you are in a Hybrid hospital in Cratos.A war is blazing nearby, and you are?"I told her my demon/human name,"Skold, why am I in a war?Where's Earth?""Oh, you came from the human realm?"I just looked at her,"Say what?""You came onto the battlefield crashing down on it in a meteor, you helped save us from being annihalated.You are in a realm far similar to your world, the Hybrid realm.We have tried to study your realm for quite some time.It would appear that you aren't at our technological level yet.Anyway, we believed that you were an ally because you destroyed our enemy Carnaso, that's all you need to know for now.Now try to get some rest.""To get out of here, I'll do anything"I replied, hoping that this was all a dream.Needless to say I found out it wasn't.
I reawoke only minutes later to the same girl in front of my bed."Why are you still here?"I asked seemingly thinking she had a reason."I am supposed to look after you, the war is just outside of our hospital.""Ohh, well beings how I can't seem to get anymore sleep, I'm hitting the showers."I replied."Hey, are you going to tell me anymore about this?Beings how I can't wake from this nightmare I might as well learn about it."She just sighed,"When you get back from your shower, I'll tell you."I just went to the shower as she spoke.
These showers were suprisingly big for a single person, more than one head, a considerable amount of space inbetween each, but still it kind of freaked me out.I turned an entire section of heads on, call me paranoid, but I felt something "fun" was coming in soon.
While going through some battle tactics in my head, and practicing some of my singular and combo attacks, the door to the entry opened and shut.I found some swimming trunks in the showers, my size and they fit comfortably.I had put them on after turning the showers on, just to be sure that nobody who would intrude would find me embarrassed.The fun sensation I felt coming was battle with an equal, I didn't want to be distracted by anything.Barefeet that weren't mine were running on the tile.Having the shower heads emmit high heat enabled for me to have a great steam battlefield, hot, moist, and relaxed, that's what the ideal battlefield is for me.The searing hot water was as soothing as possible to me, so I had the same condition as the battlefield, I was at my peak.I moved through the warm mist, in search of my opponent, what I found was astonishing.
Mouth agape, I just stared at JP.Looking around as though searching for someone, but the thing that really struck me, was that she was in a bikini.She caught a glimpse of me and came to me as I sat in wonderment."Trying to sneek a peek at me in the shower are you?"She asked me in a tone of mischief."You know, I think you need to teach me the customs of your world, cause in my world, walking into the shower while the opposite gender is showering makes one think that you are looking for 'action'."I replied, still bewildered at the thought of her actually trying to sneek a peek at me without me noticing her."I was only showering, our realms are quite the same,because we have the same process of thought, but believe me, I'm not that way."She replied.I finally took a breath thinking about this, still wondering why she was looking for me."I figure you were looking for someone to either shower with or to scrub your back right?"I asked her, getting up and walking back into the soothing jets of water."I feel as though I'm connected to you, for some strange reason.But I was making sure you were okay, and that you weren't peeping."She told me, still apparently thinking I enjoyed seeing her in the shower. I did don't get me wrong, but it really just freaked me out more than gave me joy."Had you have seen me about thirty seconds later, I would have been naked."She told me, mischeif still sparkled in her eyes."Did I really need to hear that?I don't need to know what condition I would have met you in, at any other time.You are attractive, but I don't think that I need to get too involved with someone who's suppossed to protect me, or anyone who's in a different realm than I am.Now I'm going to go back to showering, see you in the room."Later she was showering beside me, I could only see her shadow, but knowing things might be this way every time I shower was frightening.I love my alone time and I love my meditation time, showering is no WAS the only time I could do both.On the other hand, having an attractive girl showering beside me was rather thought provoking.Needless to say, I was at a standoff when it came to having my "protector" shower beside me.One moment her back appeared, I saw something along the lines of torn wing scars on her back."She is not supposed to have to protect you...."I heard Skold whisper to me,"You both are supposed to work together and protect eachother."I asked in my head,"Did you come from this realm?""Yes, and the one I love is with her.Her name is Angel.I bet you can imagine why."He replied."She is a beatiful Hybrid like myself, of my race anyway, she had a light personality.And she loved me, as this girl does you.I know you have doubts, but believe me she does."
Later that night she took the bed beside mine, the battle still raged, but it grew quieter and quieter."Do you think this war will ever end?"She asked me as though I knew everything about this world.I replied typically, remembering what Skold had told me earlier."Wars are hard to get over, but they die out.People sometimes forget the reason they ever fought in battle.Believe me this war will die one way or the other."I took a breath,"I'll make sure of that, and you are going to help me end it all.But you and I have to agree that no matter what happens, we will protect each other, and we will fight for each other.I won't remain out of action and neither will you.I saw your mark, you are a great healer, but you can also be a great warrior.And in this crazy realm, I can't imagine anyone who I'd want by my side anymore than you."I figured out she was like me, able to see through the dark, almost as though it were day.She saw me turn to face her, and she groggily replied to me with a faint smile.As she closed her eyes she whispered,"Go to sleep Skold.You still have to recover some before we go off fighting.As do I."
I faintly mimmicked her grin,"Yeah I know.I just can't wait before we do get out there."
I fell asleep, fairly quickly as a faint lullaby was sung.
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I'm busy tryin to make my rl get back on track, sadly this may wind up taking me off Gaia, I thank all who have been friends to me and ask that you all hold onto your life and live.
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If you read the first couple of entries then I'll know by your response.
The story would make more sense if you'd look at all previous entries.