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The things that i very much hate
1.) Iisahn.

2.) This stupid emote. idea What the hell is the point of having a light bulb as an emote????????

3.) Pop and Rap(except for face it because that's about Halo 3). Thrash and Metal aren't dead yet!!!!! and never will be!!!!!

4.) Mika. Nobody likes guys who sound like girls. simple.

5.) People who don't like Pie, Cheese and Llamas

6.) girls who think Slutty is Sexy

&.) Emily Taylor

9.) people who don't like video games

10.) People who think I'm emo. I'm Lolli Goth. NOT emo. just because i scratch my arms when I'm extremely depressed does not make me emo.

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commentCommented on: Sat Nov 17, 2007 @ 09:37am
1. Iisahn is cool!
2. That emote is cool!
3. u like halo 3? EW!
4. Mika is alright, because he sounds like the BeeGees...and dont u dare insult the BeeGees COS THEY ROCK!
5. I strongly agree!
6. I strongly agree!
7. Where is your number 7?
&. A: who is emily taylor? B: this isnt 8 ---> &
9. I agree...AGAIN!
10. Ok I wont call you emo...emo girl... xd U IS EMO!!!!!!!

commentCommented on: Sun Nov 18, 2007 @ 07:51am
1. no he's not!!!
2.no it's not!!!
3.yes i like halo 3. no it's not eww
4.mika does not sound like the beegees!!!... wait yes he does... never mind....
5.glad you agree
6. glad you agree
7. it's invisible...... >.> <.<
&.A. absolute cow from my school. i'll probably murder her if i murder anyone. B. I dont care.
9.glad you agree... AGAIN!!!
10. Not emo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Xx 13UNN1 xX
Community Member
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commentCommented on: Thu Nov 29, 2007 @ 10:04pm
1. Aw he is cool! Not as cool as u though!
2. LOL!!!
3. I dont see whats so good about halo 3? Star wars battlefront II is just as good! infact, its better!
4. Well The BeeGees ROCK! I think Mika acts too femanine...
5. yep pie is great!
6. Yeah I think its really gross!
&. Will it make u happy if I kick her head in? Or mabee break her legs?
9. Yeah vidio games are cool! (except halo cos it smells.)
10. Ok your a lolli goth...A very cute one too! wink

commentCommented on: Fri Nov 30, 2007 @ 07:51am
1. of course he's not as cool as me. lol
2. lol
3. NO NO NO!!!!!! Halo!!!!!!!
4. yes the beegees rock. yes mika acts way too feminine
5. why yes. yes it is.
6. they is freakyfulls. lol
&. maybe both????
9. why yes. yes they are. and halo is awesomefulls!!! (maybe not as awesome as rainbow six las vegas.... but still awesome!!!!!
10. cookies!!!!

Xx 13UNN1 xX
Community Member
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commentCommented on: Sun Dec 02, 2007 @ 11:45am
1. Lol U is totally coolest person in cuteville! Well...Not including me biggrin
2. Whats so bad about it?
3. Halo 3 isnt as good as the reviews make it out to be. Its an over rated game.
4. Yeah the BeeGees are cool! Mika smells. I h8 mika so much....
5. CHEESE PIE!!!!!
6. Yeah I think its retarded. I mean, who likes slutty girls???
&. Ok ill kick the $hit out of her.
9. Vidio games rock! But the PS3 is much better than the Xbox 360
10. YAY!!!!!
PS: I GOTS A CROWN! YAY! We now rule cuteville!!!
PSS: Come online soon Miss. Car!!!
PSSS: Can I have an avi drawing? biggrin but can u lower the price for me cos I have run out of gold cos I bought this haircut!!!

commentCommented on: Fri Dec 07, 2007 @ 09:33pm
1. Lopl.
2. It's pointless!!!! thats what!!!!!
3. Yes it is an overrated game but it's still a good game.
4. As do I.....Let's kill him instead of Gerard!!!!!
5. Yummyfulls!!!!!!!
6. Justin Kite apparently lopl.
&. Please do.
9. The PS3 shall perish under the mighty hand of the XBOX 360 twisted twisted twisted
10. DOUBLE YAY!!!!!!!
PS: I KNOW !!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!
PSS: I shall try Mr. Car
PSSS: Working on one ^-^

Xx 13UNN1 xX
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commentCommented on: Wed Dec 19, 2007 @ 06:51pm
Who is Justin kite?

commentCommented on: Sat Dec 22, 2007 @ 09:28am
Mika has helium for brekkie... that is what i think anyway!

Also! don;t you hate people who don't like llamas as well???

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Xx 13UNN1 xX
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Dec 23, 2007 @ 09:01pm
justin kite = Emily Taylors boyfriend. she broke up with her previous boyfriend when Justin broke up with her best friend.
and yes,I am sure Mika eats helium for brekkie.
and double yes, I most certainly hate people who don't like llamas.

commentCommented on: Tue Jan 01, 2008 @ 05:24pm
I have a llama! His name is Wilson! ^-^
Come online bunny!

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Xx 13UNN1 xX
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commentCommented on: Wed Jan 02, 2008 @ 09:22am
I'm Sowwy. my internet was down for ages.

commentCommented on: Wed Jan 02, 2008 @ 08:40pm

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Xx 13UNN1 xX
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Jan 02, 2008 @ 10:14pm
yes I do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

commentCommented on: Sat Mar 22, 2008 @ 09:42pm
Hey thats funny me and my friends like cheese & hate ppl thet don't...... cheese heart cheese_whine

Hee hee

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