“Mom, Betty came again tonight, we had so much fun”
“Betty does not exist honey, you should get some sleep instead” The mom said to Crystal.
Crystal just smiled; she knew better, Betty came every night to play.
12:02 am
“I am here now Crissy” Betty was sitting on the edge of the bed. Crystal sat up and smiled. “You remembered your doll?”
“Always” Betty looked at her with her empty eyes and her faint smile. She had, as always, he old dress on. It reminded Crystal of something she had seen in a fairy tale. It was crimson, and had a big black ribbon.
Crystal looked smiling at her, then her doll, then she asked the same question as always; “Will you tell me today what happened to you”
Betty looked out of the Window. “What day is it today?”
“It is Halloween, very early morning” Crystal answered.
“Today I will tell you” Betty then answered. “But don’t be too scared”
“I promise I won’t” Crystal whispered, already very excited. She already knew Betty was not alive, she had been sewed together, and when she cried she cried blood. Her eyes was really empty, there were holes instead of eyeballs. But Betty did not scare Crystal; Betty was Crystal’s best friend, her only friend.
“When I was same age as you, at this day, my mother went insane and killed me” Betty started. “She parted me into small bits, and only because I am dead, I am still able to walk around, nearly whole… my mother ate my eyes” Betty looked at her, or Crystal was sure she would if she still had her eyes. “Can you imagine that Crissy?”
“No” Said Crystal, her mother would never act like that, and never in her 7 year old life, had she heard of such things.
“I thought not” Betty said indifferent. “Now I am bound to this place, it has been in our family for ages, and it still is”
“Are we related?” Crystal asked surprised.
“Yes we are related, my little brother survived, he is you grand, grand, grand dad” Betty tried to smile a little more, but she was not able to”
“Can I tell mom?” Crystal asked.
“We will both tell her, at the evening of Halloween, I will come and meet her with you”
“But won’t she be scared?” Crystal asked.
“No she will just think I am a friend of yours, dressed up in my Halloween costume, so she wont be scared until we tell her the truth”
Crystal smiled big, she couldn’t wait until her mother would discover the truth.
10:00 pm
Crystal walked over to her mother. “Mom I want you to meet Betty” She said and sat down beside her.
“Ok” Her mother smiled “Let me meet your friend”
Betty entered the living room, and Crystal’s mother gave a loud gasp of Horror.
She had recognized Betty from one of the old family pictures. And from nightly visits when she was around Crystal’s age.
“What are you doing here again Betty? I told you to leave us” She then said.
Betty looked surprised and sad up at her mother, why was she scared and angry, why was she not happy that Crystal had finally found a friend.
“You know very well I can’t do that Ann” Betty’s voice had suddenly changed. It was deeper, and threatening. “you promised me I could have her Ann”
Crystal looked from her mother to Betty, did they already know each other? “Could have who?” She looked asking up at her mother.
Ann placed an arm around her daughter. “Betty the dead should stay dead”
“I died too early Ann, I will get her, and you know, a life for a life Ann, that is how it is, you have to pay me, you owe me that”
“Mom what is going on?” Crystal was nearly crying, it had all turned scaring and confusing, she did not longer know, which side to choose. “Whose life is it you owe her mom?”
Betty looked at Crystal. “I killed someone for her, she was mocked in school as you are, only much worse, and she wanted me to kill the leader” She then stated. “Then she promised me, she would find a person for me, someone who could make me live again”
“You don’t belong in this time” Ann said, her voice had suddenly turned stronger. “You will not fit in to this time”
“That is why I need her Ann, she will be a part of me, and I will be able to fit in” Betty walked closer to them. “You will still have her, just a little changed, but there will still be a part of her there.” Betty was now only 3 feet from them.
Crystal started to realise what was wrong, but before she could say a word, her mother spoke again.
“You drove your mom crazy” She said. “You were an odd child, you loved killing animals, insects, all kind of creatures, part them and lay them on the Kitchen table seconds before your mother entered to do the cooking”
Crystal looked, sudden scared, at Betty.
“When you were 4 you killed your older brother. The only reason you did not went to an institution was that you somehow convinced everybody, except from your mom, that you did not know what you were doing”
Betty came closer and closer. “You still promised me Ann, a promise is a promise”
“She is right mom” Whispered Crystal. “You told me that yourself”
Betty suddenly smiled for real. But it was not pretty as Crystal had imagined. It was cold and evil.
Crystal stood up “I won’t die mom” She whispered, and walked over against Betty.
When Crystal was all the way over, her mother suddenly jumped over against them, she had a knife from the kitchen in her hand. She attacked Betty, and drove the knife through the place where her heart would have been. It was of silver and Betty vanished with a ghostly scream. Crystal looked up at her mother, who fell down on her knees, with a relieved sigh.
Crystal walked over to hug her mother. Suddenly her mother looked at her with the insanity shining out of her eyes; she drove the knife through Crystal’s heart too, parted her into small pieces, took out her eyeballs and ate them. Crystal’s little brother’s scream rang out in the house…
89 years and 8 months later
Jackie walked up to her room, she was going to meet Crissy tonight. She would ask her once again how she died. She probably would not tell, but Jackie waited patiently, Crissy had promised to tell her, when the time was right.
Crissy was already sitting on the bed, in her old Halloween dressing; she was supposed to be a cat. She turned her head against Jackie. “Hello Jack” She smiled her faint smile, Jackie was sure she looked at her, but she had no eyeballs, she seemed to have been cut in to pieces too. Jackie was not scared though, Crissy was her best and only friend…
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P.S. I have a bf, and I love him very much heart
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