omg fires everywhere. its so scary. i had to evacuate my house and im staying at my grandpa's house. everyone takes things for granted in life until one day there either losing their house or about to. its scary how one little thing can cause so much pain and suffering. im both excited and terrified at the same time. and i think the fires are both deadly and beautiful at the same time. if u read this and u know someone that lost their house or may even lose there house. take precaution to this and reach a hand out to help them. everyone who can or who will please pray for the ones that need it the most. pray for everyone we need all the help we can get. the only way out is throught faith.
all i want the most is for everyone to be ok. and that this never happened.
its scary how history is repeating all over again. we need to make sure in the future it will not happen ok.
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I believe in Jesus Christ,my Savior.If you do too,and arent scared to admit it,then copy and paste this into your sig!
Live simply. Love generously.
Care deeply. Speak kindly.
Leave the rest to God.

Live simply. Love generously.
Care deeply. Speak kindly.
Leave the rest to God.