In first grade....I found myself in a fix, not wanted by many.Outcasted, Alienated, No Friends, Not much family. Alone is all I can use as a word to describe my position on this memorable day.
That wasn't going to change, easily said.After having won a soccer game(one on five) I have to admit I was tired.Playing soccer against five and winning made my opponents look pathetic.I was viewed as the single person worth nothing so winning against them made their blood boil.I left, therafter with a smile on my face as I relished the look on their faces as I made the winning goal.I went to my usual hideout on the playground on the swings distant from anyone that hated me.I believe I meditated deeply (slept) for five minutes and was then interupted in my serenity by a shadow.I opened my eyes and saw that the five previous opponents had friends, many friends "What do you want?,"I asked."You bring friends to make your humility worse?""No, we came to beat your @$$,"their leader said.
They then attacked me, a cornered child against ten weak bullies.I reacted by moving in front of the weakest opponent and taking him down.I then proceded to run knowing that I'd be followed by the idiots which were not far behind.My first battle strategy was formed in the blink of an eye.I instantly headed for the most populated areas in the playground, the imbesils fell for my little trick and ran into most of the children.It is easy to say that by now, the teachers could see my little battle, but they believed I caused it, so they allowed for the kids to chase me.
I then proceded with a second phase, beings how I could see no help was to come from the teachers, I decided to slow down a bit for a single runner, attack him then speed back up.Slow down, attack, speed up. After a while, I saw that only three were left.Make this count, I thought, go for it.I suddenly turned completely around and clotheslined two of my opponents, the leader was all that was left.
The final phase happened that moment, I took on the leader twice my size. I said,"Game over, you ignorant dumb@$$.""Not yet."I saw his little minions rise and dogpile me.They then proceded to attack me from their postions over me.DAMMIT, I thought to myself.Get up goddam body.Get UP.
I started to feel my body grow stronger, my energy increasing every second.I started to fade out.I wound up talking to a demon that looked like a wolf/dragon hybrid."Let me help you,"he told me."My name is Skold, I am you, your inner demon.""So you are what I'm feeling?,"I asked bewildered at the fact such a powerful thing would be inside of my body."Yes, but in order for me to truly help you, you must free me.Shout, roar.Roar a roar stating dominance over your opponents.Only then can I help you.,"Skold told me.I did just that and roared from the top to the bottom of my lungs.I then lifted from the dogpile and threw five about two feet back and they were drug across the ground another two feet.I felt as though my body were lighter than air, I ran after the leader.
"Times up!No more games, you have pushed my last button and will find that you crossed into the very depths of hell!"I sped up faster than I thought possible, and struck him with all my might.He front flipped into the ground creating a crater in it.I stopped back at my hangout all the way across the playground.
"Good job", Skold said."You and I are now one.Remember, if you wish to unleash your true power, just roar like that.""Okay Skold,"I returned in a very thankful tone."You're welcome, I'll try to teach and help you as best I can."Skold said before finally fading into my body.I returned to the world around me, feeling a great sense of satisfaction.I said my new name given to me thanks to the demon,"Skold."
(The story is retold with some other details in The will to fight, Angel's intentions revealed.)
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I'm busy tryin to make my rl get back on track, sadly this may wind up taking me off Gaia, I thank all who have been friends to me and ask that you all hold onto your life and live.