Candybar Dollmaker is waaay too addicting. XD
I've lost count of how many of these I've made so far...

Some of Francesca.
She was a fun one to do. =D

David Candy Cain.
I finally got a good idea of what he could look like.
I don't remember if I actually gave him glasses in his profile, or not...
but he looked better with them, so he has glasses now. =]

Nicholas. XD
I tried to make him look like he was up to something
(since he usually is). I think i succeeded.
They didn't have his proper eye color on Candybar. Oh well.

And Magpie!
I picked that hairstyle for her, even though I didn't like the hat.
I'd imagine a hat like that would be useful while flying, though.
It is awfully cold up there. =o

Here's some of Hikaru.
I think I did about five of her. She's the most fun to make dolls out of,
because of all the crazy random clothing on the dollmaker. ^_^
It's exactly the type of crazy stuff she would wear.

Aaaand, Cypress. =]
I used that building background A LOT...
She's in warmer clothing, because for some reason
I always imagined Maribia as being a fairly chilly place year-round.
I'll definatly be making more of these later.
Three that I really need to make next are Selene, Thomas, and Chrono.
(I have to say Chrono won't be an easy one to do...
I tried already, and failed miserably).