The reasons? Ok let's start with #1!
1. I'm confused because I don't think I want to live anymore... I'm tired if what people are putting me through but I'll bear it for my friends and some of my family members who actually care. But today I felt scared and sad because everything I did was wrong so I didn't want to do anything because I thought I would get in trouble....
2. Tired, because I only had 4-6 hours of sleep last night but it was fun, I was at Heigher's house and we watched a scary movie 1:00 in the morning. And right before I went to sleep I had major Dejavu, I freaked me out but I thought it was funny!
3. I'm concerned about a little problem... That problem you may ask? Well today, tonight. I um.... It's hard to explain but lets just say if I were walking down stairs I would collapse from the world spinning and tilting. It felt like one of my ears just went deaf so the world was tilting and I was with it. Everything kinda went black for a moment the I couldn't sit up straight. I was on the floor holding my head and was about to black out....
It was strange then my grandma saw me, I explained it to her and now my mom is taking me to the doctor some time.
I'm fine!!! I object in my head but yet I'm not.
I don't know what's wrong with me but hopefully it's nothing.
Wish me luck!
Or just pray for me, please! xp
I think I need to lay down now... I'm still a little dizzy so ya... I have a headache also, so bye... For now.

Community Member
Just to let you know, I know I can't help with everything that bothers you and I can't cure all your problems, but I will do everything that is possible to try and keep you happy. I'll jump off a friggin cliff if you want me to!
Some people may read this and think the wrong Idea, but you're my bestest friend ever and I hate knowing that sometimes you have an unbearable pain inside yourself, and I can't do anything anything about it!!!!! crying crying crying crying crying
And of course as I already know, your dizziness wasn't anything major, but I'm demanding you now to get a drink of water!!!! It might have been dehydration, just like you told me you only really drink coffee. Just get a drink right now and I'm serious evil
Sorry that was funny xd