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Song of the Day...Don't Tell Me heart heart heart
Status: smile
Song of the Day...Don't Tell Me heart heart heart
Status: smile
Okay...this is basically a typical Monday. =) Buffy dropped me off in the morning. So I got there pretty early, or at least on time. First period went the same as always. Just hanging out.
Second period was boring. And on top of that, I got an 80 on my biography. T_____T Waaah....oh well. =) At least I got an A on my current events article.
Math was okay. Though I wasn't paying attention. xD
And then for lunch I had to study for my bio test, so I went to the library, and Sera and her friend helped me study. xD
Next was Latin, which was fine. We learned. =) Hehe...me likey Laitn.
Then was my bio test. xP Okay it wasn't that bad. Multiple Choice was easy. Short answers were okay.
Then we had Gym which was fun, we got to explore the weight training room and pick partners. I'm in a 3 person group with Michelle and Fariha. The weight trainig room is kool. =D I'll suck at all the stuff to do in there, but it was kool. xD
And next was history, which is always fun with Mr. McManamon. We did this pictire and term matching thing with stuff about ancient civilizations and we saw some pictures that he took with his family in England. Stonehenge is where the aliens land!!!!!!! Jk...xD
Finally was English. Funny, funny, funny...xD Of course, we read and talked about Caesar. She wouldn't even let us leave until we finished answering the hw question. xP But oh well lolz.
Anyway, then me and Oladoyin were going to the bus stop, and Buffy picked me up, so here I am.
Oh also, it took me like a half hour to get online, and then the computetr froze. -____- Somebody gimme a mallet for this thing...
