It's been an interesting while since I have updated my journal - especially since I don't really think too much of it anymore.
Many things have been happening as of late I'll do my famous outlined form:
~I have high blood pressure.
~Don't have diabetes.
~Going to die at 25 if I don't lose weight.
~Currently on Alli, Low Carb, Curves and eating less with limited or no soda.
~For the guys: I'm a 36DD now. (Shocked my co-worker with that: his response "Double D?! DAYMN!" I promptly laughed.)
Update 9/19: I've lost a little weight but I can already tell the difference.
~Bagel Nation.
~Was working full time during the summer. (40 hours a week)
~Now, for school I'm only working 2-4 days a week. (6am-3pm normally)
~Co-workers and I have started a contest to see who will lose the most weight by January.
~My co-workers are nuts! (In a fun way.)
Update 9/19: Most of my co-workers have quit the diet thing because of an incident that happened at work that involves money being stolen from the pot.
arrow Creative Writing TTH 9.45-11.10
.........Very fun, tough trying to find inspiration though sometimes. My class is insane! In that good way.
arrow CPT 102 TTH 11.30-12.55
.........Fairly boring, though I feel like more of a geek in there than anything 'cause I know a lot of the stuff we're learning.
arrow Probability and Statistics TTH 3pm-4.21
.........Hard as hell, and the teacher goes way too fast. I'll survive though, I have to.
arrow German 101 TTH 6pm-8pm
.........Fun and amazingly easy. I've already made a 99 on my first test!
~There is a ton of work for each class.
~I just joined the International Club as their treasurer.
~Currently: I am waiting for my dad to receive his income taxes for 2006 so I can redo the Fafsa form and receive financial aid.
~I just had to fork out $2000 dollars to pay my credit card and it still won't be paid off. Primarily because of tuition.
~So I can't wait for the taxes to come in.
Update 9/19: I got an 86 on my first Prob and Stats test and a 99 on the project. so I am happy.
I am calling the lady this afternoon for the club and seeing what needs to be done.
Social Life:
~I've been getting to know my brother (aka Robby) and new sister-in-law (aka Sis/Johanna) more NOW than ever before. I've been having to boycott their house because they keep me up too late having fun.
~I've gotten my sis addicted to Kingdom Hearts I and II. Neither of us has had much time since school started but, we are slowly making our way to beat them.
~The majority of my friends have flown north to USC and Clemson.
~Hyper 5 and Manga-Fan are getting married next year!
~A really good friend of mine from high school and I are hanging out a lot for lunch; it's really nice to see him again.
~My cousin and I haven't been going many places as of late, that might change, who knows. He also hasn't spent the night in months so we'll see what'll happen.
~I've made it a habit of mine to call one of my friends just before I go to sleep.
~I particularly like calling one of my pets, who's one of the sweetest guys I know.
~Or I bug one of my *coughs* former pets, mostly cause he just seems to piss me off somehow - despite being my best friend.
Update 9/19
Oh an my cousin and I are going to the movies today, finally called him last night.
Love Life:
~There's no one really at the moment.
~I'm just tired and want to get through school, like I had originally planned.
~I have enough s**t in my life right now, I don't want to bog someone down in it until I can straighten it out.
Update 9/19: The guy I talked about, aka "one of the sweetest guys I know." We're bf/gf now. 3nodding
~Earlier this year around May my phone of awesomeness, Yuri, broke and was forced to buy a cheaper one, not as good but it still has its perks. I've named it Ty after one of my characters, and also since it was blue.
~Johanna gave me her old PS2 since Robby had one once they moved in.
~I've a ton of games and my favorites include: Kingdom Hearts I&II and Battle for Volcano Island (Nickelodeon), and DDR Supernova.
~Obtained a DS Lite for the sole reason of playing Pokemon Ranger.
~My Lappy turned two years old this past June and I need to replace the battery.
~After days of searching, I finally found my trusty Ti-83 Plus amidst the debris in my room, so that I could not be completely lost in class.
~I still haven't named my van but I keep applying bumper stickers, perhaps I will post a picture of them online soon. I'm still pondering and accepting suggestions.
~The thread was chugging along rather quickly until a couple days, more than likely because of Kali's departure from gaia, and the regulars not attending as often as would be liked. But hey, s**t happens, we all deal with it. Sometimes we can't get online because of life. I understand.
~I've been asked to join Ragnarok again, but I don't really have time for it anymore.
~Some of the people in my Creative Writing class are on Gaia, which I find really really cool.
~Oh yeah, Trillian sucks on ice, no special do-hickeys. xp I'll stick with the memory consuming programs thanks.
Update 9/19: Wound up not joining, and my friend who asked me to join has been making lousy grades, so he's thinking about quitting.
On a quest for the Spartan cloak! mad
I can't really think of anything else and it is about bed time.
I know I won't get back to this, I never do, lol.
So this is a good night to all who might actually be reading this.
Update 9/19: Holy s**t! I updated my journal for once!!! eek
Guten nacht.
Kon ban wa.
Bon soir.
Buenas noches.
Good night.
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The Books of Jen's Abnormal Activities
Basically my life as I write it down. I'm really weird so the entries will be really really interesting~ ^_^ and I love to type, so some of them might be long XD
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