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Day four... =)
Song of the Day...Here I Am, by Marion Raven heart heart heart heart
Status: smile
Song of the Day...Here I Am, by Marion Raven heart heart heart heart
Status: smile
Well today went pretty well. =) Buffy dropped me off again, so I didn't get there early in the morning for free time. Luckily I'm going on my own starting from Monday. ^_^
Anyway, the usual went on for free period. Me, Sharmela, and Oladoyin were just talking. It was funny when we were going in, Sharmela was trying to make bump into my cousin cuz I don't talk to him. xD
So after that, we had a boring assessment test in Research Literacy.
And then of course, there was Math. Math, math, math...I had part 2 of the assessment test, and it was HARD, not as hard as part 1, though. =)
Then was my lunch period. =( I didn't see Linda there, so it was boring. Ironically though, I'm talking to her right now, and she was looking for me too, and we were both in the cafeteria, and neither of us saw one another. xD
Anyway, next I had Latin. It wasn't boring. =) It was okay, the usual that is.
So then, I had double bio. We just took the assessment test. Hard of course. And we got textbooks. HEAVY.
Afterwards, we took another assessment test in SS. =( Enough with the assessment tests already!
So then, there was English. It was pretty kool. Mr Mcmanamon and Ms. McGuigan are my koolest teachers. =D In English, we jsut talked a little about the qualities you want to find in a best friend, which is part of the homework. And we had to name one strength and one weakness from our autobiographies. =)
Then it was finally time to go! xD I went to the cafeteria cuz Oladoyin wanted to get a drink. And then I was just talking to AMichael and Michelle. I also went to see if they were giving out ids, so I lost Oladoyin the cafeteria. Whoops, lol. And Emran actually got to the bus stop before me today! xD So we went home, and here I am. =) I should go get pizza. xD
