Zelda! I beat Odolwa!
Song of the Day...Let U Go, by Ashley Parker Angel heart heart heart heart heart
Status: smile
Song of the Day...Let U Go, by Ashley Parker Angel heart heart heart heart heart
Status: smile
Okay, today was...okay. I was bored most of the day doing nothing, watching tv, and all those other things bored people do, while still being bored, of course. ^_^
And around like 7, Emran went upstairs to talk to Sayeed (some doctor dude suto khalamony knows whose gonna help him with his college choice). And I basically just went through the first temple. I ahd to wait for Emran to come back before I could get my spin attack upgrade 'cause I forgot where the stupid fairy fountain was! I didn't free the princess yet though. 'Cause I saved then cuz Emran was back to get heart pieces for his game. xD
Anyway, after watching tv some more, and eating...here I am. xD It's almost midnight. Also today is taht day thingy where I'm supposed to be doing namaz all day. Priorities priorities...jk.
Anyway...off to do stuff! ^_^
