You know what I don't understand?
How the bus driver can be so crazy with her driving,
all speeding, flying around corners, and whatnot...
and she STILL can't get us to school on time. D:<
Actually, she does... but the bell rings right when she pulls up.
I hope I can get my license soon.
But even then, I'll still be screwed.
Because both of my parents work, and we only have two cars.
Yeeeaaah, so I'm being bitchy again. >_>
I was yelled at by my Government/Economics teacher today,
because I was late for class. Even though it really wasn't my fault.
Bus came right when the first bell rang.
I had to run to my locker (which is a little b***h and doesn't like to open!), scramble to get books for my first two classes, and of course because I was in a huge hurry... I dropped all my s**t at least three times.
On top of that, I had to wrestle my way through the damn hallways without being trampled (if he thinks little short me is going to be able to just shove my way through so many people, he's on crack).
And I was late. By a few seconds. So he locked me out of the classroom, made me apologize to him a million times, and then yelled at me. And didn't even give me a chance to explain myself. D:
So all through that class, and through Algebra II (which I hate enough as it is),
I was in a very pissy mood.
Then I got to Art, and after much angry colored-penciling... I felt much better. =D
So I ask again...
why does nearly everyone at my school seem to have a stick up their a**?
For a little good news, my senior pictures came in the mail today.
Yay. =]
And, I met another little kitty at the bus stop this morning.
A little calico with freaky blue-green eyes. =o
She was very pretty.
Unlike most of the others though, she actually has an owner.
At least I'm pretty sure she does.
So... no third kitteh for me.