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Forgiveness shouldn't be charity. -___-
Song of the Day...Bleed It Out, by Linkin Park
Status: mad
Song of the Day...Bleed It Out, by Linkin Park
Status: mad
Well, let me just start by saying taht yesterday was one of the crappiest days ever, and I hate cultural parties, matter of fact, I hate my culture, and it's a good thing I don't curse on a regualr basis or I'd be all over the place with this. -___-
All there was food, dances, and Emran made a good point not to tell me about the only fune vent they were having so I missed the foam fight. -___-
And no power on Earth is going to make me go to the second party on Saturday (wth, a 2 part wedding??? -___- come on! they're already married!), unless Allah comes down and tells me to do so. -___- So I hope my parents have recognized that I've been giving them the silent treatment, and I really don't even wanna hear a word from Emran. And I can think of a number of reasons why I shouldn't have to go, but I have Bangali parents, so of course, my reasons add up to "You're going!" I ahte my parents. -___- You'd think my mom would have learned by now after the "3 days" (don't ask if you don't know what i mean, which i know u dont xD).
Not to mention, after the party, we got home at like 2am, and I still had to do my health hw, so I went to bed at like 3am and I woke up 4 hours later cranky and particularly angry at my mom. -___-
Today wasn't as bad as yesterday though. (Incase you haven't noticed, I've been using "-___-" a lot!!!) In Art, we worked on the paintings and the costume drawings. Pretty good. In Music, we just learned as usual. xD
And in Health, we did a little lesson on HIV, AIDS, and sex, and got thru a few more oral reports.
Eeek...my finals for music and halth are both on Monday!!!!! T____T Doooooom!
Anyway, if I haven't established it well enough already, I AM NOT HAPPY RIGHT NOW.

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