New Thought:
Have you ever wonder that what you see may not be exactly what someone else sees? Perhaps when I draw a picture or look at some one I see it in my view but when some one else Looks at my picture or at the same person they see a version slightly or greatly different then my own?
New Thought:
You know there is alot of hardship in the world and a lot of evil... yet for most people they fail to look at the good. Now I know this is a touchy subject and don't get me wrong I do care for these people, In 9-11 there were several hundreds or thoudands of people who died yet through it all many more people were brought together... an entire nation brought closer and for a second people cared for the saftey and well bieng of others... we helped each other. I am a Canadian citizen and though my country may not have been the one directly effected i still feel sad and a sence of grief for the innocent who parished that day... may they rest in peace.
New Thought:
We as the human race may some times feel as though we are unstoppible that we may be able to conquer all that comes agains't us... this however is not true. though through the ages we have fought many a different enemy, other humans, disease, and so on, there is one enemy that we can never or have yet to defeat. Time is mans worst enemy because there is no way to fight it. all things are eventually destroyed by time. Time is one of the things in life you never get more of!
New Thoguht:
The world is running out of resources so I pose a question... What happens when the world runs out of these resources? The way I see it there are only 3 answers. 1st: War 2: Globalization to equaly distribute the resources to find a solution. 3: Complete aboandonment of countries without any remaining resources.
Though these thoughts are sad and 2/3 are bad perhaps there is another unseen way that has not revealed it's self yet and only time will tell what lies ahead!
New Thought:
Just some advice to anyone who cares to read this... make sure to get enough sleep becuase if you don't it stinks, at least for me it stinks.
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Water Tribes
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People should not fear their government. Government should fear their people!

Peace can only be held by the one with the biggest sword

Peace can only be held by the one with the biggest sword
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thank you biggrin