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Hw, hw, hw...and to think I actually got through it all!
Song of the Day...Break You, by Marion Raven heart heart heart
Status: quite satisfied ^_^
Song of the Day...Break You, by Marion Raven heart heart heart
Status: quite satisfied ^_^
Today went somewhat well. In Art class, I finally finished my costume. I'm the only one too. xD And I think I did a pretty good job. ^_^ And OMG...Art class was so funny today! I don't feel like writing all the details, so let's just say that Judy called the kid whose always singing in class "the Oreo King", cuz he wouldn't stop mocking her squeaky voice, and he lost her flower for her sewing thing, and he had him searching thru the box bringing back random flowers each time. xD And after a whole week of teasing from him, Judy finally said something. The whole class was cracking up. xD And coming my silent Art class, it was pretty funny.
In Music class, we just did "learning". I was mostly just studying for my oral presentation though. I gotta know that thing inside out. xD
In Health, we just went thru a few presentations. Good thing mine didn't get picked. I may or may not be ready. xD But I might as well go ahead. I already told Wafha I'd go if she went first. xD sweatdrop Also, Ms. Zanicchi is hardly as mean as people say on myspace. I mean, I understand dropping her class because you're failing, but there's no need to throw out the curses. xD She's actually pretty nice to me, and quite linient with the hw (hehe, see i wouldn't know what that meant if Ms. Mathis hadn't used it so much). It took me from when I got home (oh yeah, i had pizza today too, i got it from 219 with buffy) to like an hour ago to finish my hw and organize it all, so I better get credit! Cuz I put effort into it! And that means a lot coming from me!
After class I talked to her about my topic change, and so I think I'm good with her, though my grade won't be cuz I screwed up that test, so I'm seriously gonna need a 100% on that final and on my presentation (which counts as a test).
Anyway, I'm finally done with my hw, so Blood+ time! Whee! Yay! Yippee! Lol.
