“Xander, Xander” said a light voice. “Who, who’s that” said Xander “this voice so familiar” Xander thought to himself suddenly Xander was in a white blue suit with a gold tint then a light appeared in front of him “follow me” said the voice “it seems to be coming from the light” Xander thought the light started flying away fast Xander started running towards the light he noticed that he was running a lot faster than usual. But Xander was still too slow to catch up with the light. Something is coming out of the ground Xander thought to himself something sharp came from out the ground “huh” Xander said then the ground starting to move said Xander what’s that sound Xander thought to himself it’s like something sharp just punctured something “shing “ there’s the sound again Xander thought to himself then two spikes came from out of know where wha’ said Xander ducking under the spikes they came out of thin air Xander thought in astonishment “shing” huh said Xander then the sound started coming faster “shing, shink, shing” Xander looked behind him and saw a wave of spikes coming right at him don’t be afraid Xander you can do it said the light. “Now what’s dat light been smoking on?” Xander thought to himself the wave taller and taller then Xander heard the same sound in front of him “you gotta be kidding me” said Xander “I’m going too fast to stop and turn” then they hit, Xander looked around the spikes didn’t hit him they made a moving dome around him “what’s that sound, sounds like a person running at a very high speed ,the sound it’s getting louder better brace myself” said Xander then the ground started shaking then a giant bolder came out of the ground “That’ll do” said Xander. Pit pat pit pat the footsteps were coming closer then some one broke through the spike dome it was a girl! A, “a girl” Xander thought to himself it was too dark to see who she was all he saw was a dark figurer he could tell by the female figure she looked around she looked close to Xander he hid behind the bolder. He looked again she was gone “wha!” Xander thought to himself he bagged up and his back hit some thing he looked back slowly it was the girl she floated in the air Xander jumped over the bolder “cool” Xander thought to him self. The bolder broke into large rocks she pointed at Xander and all the chunks of rocks came at him. “Oh, shi-” Xander said interrupted by the oncoming rock he jumped over it and looked at the rock hit the end of the dome it was grinded into sand “you gotta be kidding me” said Xander then Xander jumped of a rock jumped off another than another he was getting to the girl but when he was about to punch the girl he came crashing to the ground “what hit me?” Xander thought to himself then a rock was coming to his head suddenly every thing went white the ball of light was in front of his face “you did well Xander” the ball of light said Xander closed his eyes.
Xander opened his eyes he was in his bed “just a dream” Xander thought to him self “hey bro” said some guy popping out of know where. “Hey Sean” said Xander “what time is it?” “9:30” Sean replied “9:30!” Xander yelled “I go to space at 10:00!!”. “Why didn’t my alarm clock wake me up?” Xander thought to himself” Wha! my solar batteries are gone hey Sean did you take out my SB’s”.” Umm yeah my SB’s almost died and I needed them to play my FFLX: Platinum Edition” said Sean Xander ran into his closet and come out wearing his AMNUSS suit. “Come on Sean” Xander yelled “wait Xander gotta beat this monster” Xander grabbed Sean by his shirt collar and pulled him to the Viper PHE and flew away. They arrived at the AM LF “Bye Sean” said Xander running to his ship Xander put his ticket into the entrance to a red eye scanned him and an ID card came out Xander took it and ran on the ship then the ship took off. “Xander Xan Xarden 5’11 Caucasian Male blue greenish yellow eyes weighs 170 mostly muscle mass 22 years old natural hair blond welcome to the great automated mechanical navigational utilities situations ship also known as the great AMNUSS do get it mixed up with auto mechanical navigational super suit you’re wearing” said a voice. Xander turned around and saw a screen with a full body picture of him and all the info the voice said then a hologram appeared she hand long hair sky blue eyes she was about 5’5 and she seemed to be wearing an AMNESS. “I am AMI great AMNESS’ mechanical interalmate” it said “your quarters is in room 90210 Xander looked he saw the ship was one of a kind it ha d the classic gray silver robot look and the place was huge Xander running to the teleportation station (AKA TS) he saw a antigrav training and gun training but a door that says do not enter caught his eye. “Oof” Xander said bumping into someone they got up “watch where your goin’ man” he said. It was an African- american male 6’2” wearing a janitor outfit “oh sorry” said Xander “my name’s Xander yours” Xander said sticking out his hand for a hand shake. “Terance” he said getting back to work. “watch your step Xander” he said. “well while I’m here let’s check out that antigrav wepons training. He walked in “watch you step” said a girl. “oh you’re a soilder too come with me I need a partner” she grabbed Xander’s rist “My name’s Filysha” she was a Mexican-American. “ yea, I’m Xander” he said “okay, cool take this” she gave Xander an automatic laser gun light and rechargeable. She put on a suit it was white with a little blue (well just enough to notice). They sent out 10 robots ttttatttttakzz boom boom boom Xander took out 3. Xander looked for Filysha Xander was astonished. Her hand went straight threw a robot then her other hand. Bzzkrrrskxx she tore it in half and chucked on pice at a robot boom it blew up then the other at another robot boom it blew up eek “ heeya” she said shingxxx she karate choped a robot in half it fell into two then she kicked the wall it rickocet off the wall and hit a robot right behind Xander gonk boom Xander flew and hit the wall then landed on his feet. She kicked the other pice straight up then punched it it hit the othe robot and boom. Then she quickly turned around buumph she forced her hand into the robot and pulled on some wires krrrbzz she pulled them out boom it blew up but unlike Xander she didn’t fly. “thanks Xander for your help” she said the suit disappeared and she was wearing her AMNESS “ what was dat” said Xander “oh one of the many new suits we’ve been working on well that’s it see ya later” she said. Xander walked out and ran to the TS a blue light scanned his card. He appeared at his room and saw a antigrav bed he hopped on it.
Xander saw the ball of light. The light got brighter and brighter and then it faded away Xander seemed to be in an old village. It was filled with strange people not too strange since aliens and humans live in peace well most aliens “wow” said Xander. Xander heard something shhht shhht like something moving in the trees quickly. Xander followed the sound while he was running he looked at the old place when he caught up to it ,it was a floating cloak “hmm, who are you” said the guy “your not from this world are you” a hand appeared out of the sleeves then the nails turned into claws whoosh the claws made the sound cutting through the air “it’ll be delightful to devour on a soul from another world” whoop smack came something out of a tree and hit the cloaked man “what da” Xander thought to himself the man seemed to be gone floof boom Xander fell back wards he sat up and looked right in front of him he saw a giant snake with four legs it looked 7’ tall “no I’ll feast on your soul” said the creature with out moving it’s mouth suddenly a blade appeared in Xander’s hand Xander herd whispers “Buster Blade, Buster Blade” the whispers said Xander got up and jumped back quickly the creature looked surprised “The legendary buster blade impossible he cant be the. No he can’t be I will kill him!” The creature must have said telepathically whoom its tail charged at Xander, Xander Jumped while in the air he threw the Buster Blade at the creature he cut it “how dare you!” It said telepathically tat tat tat tat tat the creature charging at Xander at full speed suddenly everything bright “Xander, Xander” said a voice.
Xander opened his eyes “just a dream but it felt so real“. Xander rolled over “hello Xander“, Xander jumped it was AMI “were about to enter the planets atmosphere in a 45 minutes, remember we received a code red distress signal from this planet where we must find who transmitted it and why” finished AMI o-okay” said Xander still shaken up a little “oh my oplagies did I startle you” said AMY “of course not” Xander lied Xander walked out of his room bom bom, bom bom a sound echoed “a message from the chief” said AMI a screen appeared in front of Xander on the screen was a dark figure “this is the chief” said the figure “we will enter the atmosphere in 44 minits” suddenly the ship shook “what was that report!” Yelled the chief “we seem to be caught in a gravitational pull towards the planet it must be the planets gravity” “but that’s impossi-” said the chief interrupted by the screen disappearing. Xander looked out a window pieces of the ship and people were flying towards the planet Rrrr the sound of metal being pulled Xander ran then he closed the emergency door the hall he was torn off the ship Xander was at a four way intersection only 3 doors available two closed only way the door that said do not enter but it was locked then the door opened a fuzzy voice said “enter Xander enter” it sounded like AMI “AMI is that you!” Yelled Xander there was no answer Xander ran through the door eletcity bolts were everywhere keshhhzzzzzzz Xander looked up he saw a electric bolt herding straight for him he was hit barely breathing Xander saw a liquid door in front of him Xander limped through it and every step he took through it ,it felt like it was attaching to his skin suddenly he was healed it seemed he had a unusual suit on a lens went over his eye in green letter it said “Lecto Suit”. “Whoa” said Xander then he ran he seemed to be running faster than usual and his stamina was barely dropping he saw a ship opened the hatch hopped it closed the hatch and took off the gravity pulled him towards the planet. Xander looked around all the blue bodies Xander saw one alive shlink a piece of metal cut him in half the ,floating blood, Xander looked at his rear view camera and saw rubble heading straight for him. Xander turned the wheel and added the side thrusters the ship started spinning a tunnel was heading for Xander moved the ship where where the he’d go through the tunnel going through borke his wings shkreee the metal spaking against each other a pice of metal going through the tunnel Xander hopped out the ship Xander watched the ship get sliced in half the lens went black and green letters apperred saying “oxygen activated” Xander felt like he being pulled towards the planet! Then it said “thrusters activated”then the lens truned clear there were two boosters on his feet and two on his back he shot off flooooshhhhh the rubble was coming at him from the planet “wha” Xander jumped off a block of the rubble going faster before Xander knew it he hit the planet ,litteraly, Xander got up suddenly his helmet disappeared he could smell the fresh clean air he saw a village he saw what they were wearing rags, cloaks, capes, and old clothes. Flllllew, boom a box hit the ground the box had the word A.M.I on it. “A.M.I!” Xander yelled he picked up the box suddenly Xander herad something “ speakers in ear clear electronic contacs mic In throt all set” “A.M.I, that you?” said Xander “Yes I downloaded myself in your suit” “you have free will now?” said Xander “yes I do when you picked me up you set me free, and please call me Amy A-M-Y”she said .”it’s kinda weird talking to nothing”said Xander “then turn around” she said Xander turned around and saw a woman with blond hair blue eyes blue eyes she had light skin and rosey red cheeks she was wearing the AMNUSS.”Well what do you think?”she said “Wow not a hologram any more”Xander said “Well yes I’m still a hologram the liquid suit lets you fell me”she said sticking her hand out Xander stuck his out Xander’s fingers went between hers and they grasped each others hand she bit her bottom lip smiled and blushed her hand was warm smooth and soft “and I can fell you too”said Amy Xander slowly realeaces his hand “o-ok that was weird” Xander thought to himself. Xander stepped back he noticed that she was a little bit shorter than him kshhh suddenly some creature came out of know where it was 9’ tall it looked like a Raptor with bright yellow eyes curved teeth long sharp claws and spikes on his back “Xander use these” said Amy suddenly two gold blades appeared in his hand they were between 3 ½’ to 4’ long “use them Xander, Watch out!” yelled Amy fshooo, kink Xander blocked the creature slash “thanks Amy” said Xander, Xander pushed it back then it jumped at Xander, Xander came around with a round house kick hit it a little bit behind it’s eye the raptor went spinning he got up “puu” it said spiting and walking away they walked in the town Xander started crossing a dirt road Vroosh an old bulk hover cycle sped right past him Xander started coughing cause of all the dirt vroom another one came speeding “ stop thief!” the trailing man yelled the thief took out a gun and shot at the man the man dodged the laser but spun out Xander ran up to him “get my tresure” the man asked Xander “I’m all over it” Xander replied he hopped on the hover cycle and took off “the controls are just like the video game racin’ furry when I was a kid” Xander thought to his self he cought up to the thief he shot at Xander he turned and avoided it “use this Xander” said Amy suddenly a high velocity hand gun appeared in his hand “lectic gun , every beam you shoot has an electric touch” said Amy Xander shot the hover cycle the man jumped off it blew up he ran in a gap between two buildings Xander jumped off his and followed him Xander stoped at the end of the gap and stuck his head out looked left looked right keshewow Xander fell to the floor. Xander felt something warm rub his cheek Xander opened his eyes he saw a girl with silver hair silverish white eye, slightly pointed ears , a white color, and snow white skin “ur escrave” she said Xander jumped up “Wh-who are you” said Xander blushing “uh,ahh” she said she got up and started making out with Xander then she suddenly stopped . She clared her throught “Hi,my name is Alem” she said “o-okay, Hello Arlem” said Xander.“What was that all about?” he asked “That kiss,as you call it, helped me know your language and your culture” said Arlem “Well did you see what happened to me?” Xander asked “ Well, a man shot you in the face I don’t see why you didn’t die wearing those clothes” she said “wha!” Xander thought to himself he saw he was wearing baggy pants long shirt long baggy sleeves and a cloak but it was behind his sholders so it looked like a cape “cool” Xander thought to himself suddenly Amy appeared she winked smiled and put her thumb up and dissapeared “ cool what’s cool” said Arlem “what do you have telepathy or, or something” said Xander “oops well the man could be ba-” said Arlem interrupted by a whoosh it was the theif “well,well,well, seems you didn’t stay down well I’ll fix that” said the thief “who are you” “Xion” said the thief “Well then Xion you do not have to steal”said Xander “ I took what was rightully mine” said Xion , Xion put his hand inside his cloak and pulled out a gun and pointed diectaly at Xander. Xander made his gun appear in his hand they shot at the same time they clashed a light appeared in the middle of them a large blinding light chzer they cashed exept Xander and xion did not budge the stood sright still aiming their guns at each other dirt flying every where the power of the clash made Arlem fall to the ground sitting on the floor garding her eyes with her arm”the power” she said suddenly arlem gerd Xander’s voice “Arlem should take cover” the voice said but Xander didn’t move his lips “okay” said Arlem telepathically “oh yeah telepathy” said Xander telepathically grinning Arlem took cover in the ally suddenly the clash exploded Xander and Xion jumped back Xander tiik cover behind a tree Xion took cover behind a rock “srue you get the rock I get the tree” complained Xander Xion started shooting at Xander, Xander leaned over and returned fire suddenly Xion’s rock blew up the rubble flew at Xion he jumped back and shot all the rubble before it could touch him Xion looked around and saw Arlem holding a gun pointed directly at Xion the smoke still coming from out the gun “drect hit” said Arlem grinning “why you-!?” said Xion emmideatly charging at Arlem suddenly Xion was shot in the knee cap and fell and tumbled “don’t touch her” said Xander Xion grouled then jumped back on his feet when he landed he stumbled and almost fell then he thrugh bombs Xander ran towards Arlem he jumped towards Arlem grabed her then they skid back in the ally boom boom boom! The bombs exploded “you OK?” Xander asked “yeah” said Arlem grinning and blushing Xander got up quikly “acward” Xander thought to himself “why is it acward?” asked Arlem getting up “nothing, nothing” Xander said sweating Amy ran up “you okay Xander” “yeah” Xander responded “who’s she”said Arlem “you can see her well-” Xander said interrupted “I’m Amy” said Amy sticking out her hand “I’m Arlem” said Arlem giving Amy a hand shake “I can fell her!” said Amy and Arlem at the same time they stopped shaking hands “what happened to Xion?” asked Arlem “oh” said Xander running back on the field xion was Knowwhere to be found. “Darn lost him” said Xander “okay now, where’s your home Arlem?” “so your tring to get rid of me, eh!” “no its just that… ” said Xander sweating “ your folks should be worried” “humph” Arlem said pouting “ do you not want to go home?” said Amy. “Well I don’t want to, but my dad is prabaly worried about me” said Arlem “man I’m sleepy” said Xander. “There’s a inn not too far from here” said Arlem
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