Not only is today my brother's birthday, but its Mother's day! xd
I can tell you one thing, I HATE ANIKIN ( I don't care if I spelled it wrong)SKYWALKER! He Betrayes the Jedi and kills of a really cool character!
The guy with the purple saber is AWESOME! His name escapes me at the moment, but HE is my favorite, next to Obi- Wan. 3nodding I don't even like Star Wars, but here I am talking about it like a maniac. Well, you can thank my brother for that. stare He got the new Star Wars game : Revenge of the Sith, for his birthday. I even played it, cuz it was actually pretty damn sweet looking. I mean, you get to kill people with Light sabers! whee ANyway, yea...stupid Anikin. domokun
Here is the last chapter that i have written, hopefully I'll get to write more soon. sweatdrop
Chapter 3
" IS THAT ALL YOU'VE GOT GIRLIE!!?? " Killer jeered as he ducked behind a Police car. Starfire's eyes glew fiercly, she raised her hand and formed a green energy orb. " You want to see what i can do...RAAAAAH- " Robin pulled her arm back. " No Star! He's got the kid remember? " " But what do we do then Robin- EIIIIIK!! " Killer began shooting plasma beams at the young heros. " Thats right. YOU GOODIE GOODIES CAN"T STOP ME!! " He turned around and started firing at the cops who where trying desparetly to keep a hold of him. THe little girl in his grip struggled to get free. Her eyes were wide and full of fear. " P-please sir..let ..let go. Please." She sobbed. Killer looked at her with a grin. " Sorry kiddo. But you see i have some guests to entertain, i can't let you leave til i'm done with 'em. "
Suddenly, a big blue energy blast smashed into Killer, sending him backward. " Cyborg!" Robin shouted, " THE GIRL!" The little girl screamed as she flew in the air heading for the ground. " AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HEEEEEEEEEEEELLP-" " I GOT YA!! " BB yelled, turning himself into a Pteradyctale. In a mere second, the girl was clinging to BB 's neck as they landed back on the ground safely.
" Good job Beast Boy" Taking the girl from Beast boy, Robin turned his head towards Killer. " Raven, go see if he's ok." He turned his head and walked over to a tall woman with red hair. " MY BABY! Oh, thank you so much." The woman grasped her child firmly in a hug. " mommy i was so scared....sob...sob.." Robin smiled slightly, he watched as the mother held tightly to her child, the feeling inside of him was bubbling up inside of him. It felt good. "This is what its all for." he thought to himself, he walked slowly back to the others. Starfire ran over to Robin and began crushing him with a hug. " Oh Robin! I am so glad everything is all right now!!! Now may we venture to the mall of shopping????" A huge smile played on her face as she stared at him. " Ok ok Star we'll go now. " Robin said as he walked ahead of the group. " Duuuuuuuude we sooo are heros!!! It was all you and me CY! YOU CAME IN AND BLAST BOOOM!! AND THEN HES ALL...AHHHHH >.<!! BUT THE KIDS ALL LIKE AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! AND THEN I COME IN AND WHHOOOSH SAVE HER AND BADIBING ! ITS OVER! .....whew...." ..Laughing to himself Cyborg shakes his head and grins widely. A voice shatteres the happy bubble rising inside BB .." You are an idiot. Shut up." Raven glared darkly, she floated next to her green comrade. Her face bore a darkness that showed not in her pale face, but within her eyes.
" Geez Raven...moody're just jealous." BB 's grin churned Raven's stomach, she moved on forward ahead......" idiot"
The young girl watched the group of heros walk away, her face darkened by shadows. " They're very strong. And that...kid....he looked ..bruce's friend. ..nah.." Shaking her head slightly, the girl headed back into the alley and faded into the mystery of the darkness.
End Chapter
*sings the Banana Phone Song*
Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring..BANANA PHONE!!!!!! DODODODODO!!
xd I love that song!!!!! I would play it FOREVER if I could! heheheheh
Well..g2g eat dinner! whee
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The Book of Chaos: ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK!
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