User Name:electronik_lucky4
Name: Chrissy Benoit
Age: 116 (16)
Race: Fox Demon
Job: Co-owner
she was a fox demon like the others in her family she was you youngest next
to the baby it seem she was hurt and confused dark planed to kill her in
all due time but till then he was going to make her his wife
at the time she was playing into his plan but he was not shur how it would
work out she seemed frighted of him but when he was not angry she act as if
she was in love it seemed he was going to have to find a way to get her to
trust him
User Name:
Name: Shawnie Darke
Age: 118 (18 )
Race: Fox Demon
Job: Owner
she seemed to act the oldest she owned the bar and resonantly had a baby girl dark knew
nothing of her but knew she would be the biggest problem
user Name
Name: Jewel Benoit
Age: 117 (17)
Race: Fox Demon
Job: Co-Owner
he had seen her afew times but never spoke to her
User Name
Name: Alex Benoit
Age: 121 (21)
Race: Fox Demon
Job: Co-Owner
he did not know him but he liked to twist words but
some reason dark thinks all this will help his cause

User Name: sliver star1
Name: milly
Job wanted: Waitresses or cook both if i can
Personality (Needed): kind.nice,caring and helpful
Bio (Oppitional):
Age: 20
she worked at the bar with dark they are aways fighting but they get along some what
dark dose not dislike her nor like her he only yells at her because he thinks she is
in the way

Race:master angel of fire
she seems to be all about good and happiness but after dark went around her awhile
he finds that she has learned to justifie the wrong she dose
making her mind think she is good to try and stay pure
it seem that bro is trying to get in my way but i guess i will just have to speed things up abit the goal is in my reach i cant fail yet
dark has found some new toys it seems but there is not much i can do about it if some one reads this tell chrissy to stay away from dark or he will kill her
Dark.....Day2 P.S.
I have gotten to close this time
i don't know why i care about her maybe i will stay here
Community Member
Outta just reading that little bit.
Naw...I lied. I do not get it at all.