Kosuke Kumiko
Username: Kosuke Kumiko
Name: Kosuke Kumiko
Age: 34
Rank: Jonin
Village:Suna/village hidden in the sand
Style(Jutsu): She uses mainly air/wind type jutsus
Appearence: kosuke
Bio: Kosuke use to be the loudest and most out there person in Suna. But the day her parents had died in a misson changed all that. When she was about 9 her parents had past away and she no longer felt like being that fun out there girl any more she felt that the world was punishing her for something she did and she didn't know what she had done. But one day she saw a boy that had it way worst than her. You all know him as Gaara. Even though he had always pushed her away ahe tried to be friends. Something both of them needed. After a while they had a somewhat of friends. It took them a while to have a really good friendship but it still happened. Farther into of their lives Kosuke wanted to be more then friends and eventually they had become more than friends. They had their first kid when Gaara was 23 and Kosuke was 22. They also had gotton married not to long before that. They had there second child about about 5 years ago. This is her per fox Hayate
Username:Kosuke Kumiko
Name: Reiko
Parents: Kosuke Kumiko and Gaara
Age: 5
Rank: acadadmy student
Village: suna
Style(Justu): none yet
((hairs is the red like Gaara's))
Bio:She was born in Suna and now goes to the acadmy their. She wants to be a great ninja one day like her parents. She likes to play with her moms pet fox Hayate. People say she looks more like Gaara than her mom.
Username: Kosuke kumiko
Name: Daisuke
Parents: Kosuke and Gaara
Age: 12
Rank: genin
Village: suna
Style(Justu): wind but he wants to try to find his own kind of style instead of the same as his moms.
Bio: People Say he looks like his mom but has that slight kinda attitude his dad had when he was that age. But he still sometime the outgoing out their person too. His dream is to be the Kazekage after his dad. He had found a hawk with a broken wing one day and nurished it back to health. The bird never left his side since then so he kept it and named it Kiteru. He also trained it to help him on missons. This is his hawk kiteru He looks at his dad as a role model and wants to be like him when he grows up.
Name: Kosuke Kumiko
Age: 34
Rank: Jonin
Village:Suna/village hidden in the sand
Style(Jutsu): She uses mainly air/wind type jutsus
Appearence: kosuke
Bio: Kosuke use to be the loudest and most out there person in Suna. But the day her parents had died in a misson changed all that. When she was about 9 her parents had past away and she no longer felt like being that fun out there girl any more she felt that the world was punishing her for something she did and she didn't know what she had done. But one day she saw a boy that had it way worst than her. You all know him as Gaara. Even though he had always pushed her away ahe tried to be friends. Something both of them needed. After a while they had a somewhat of friends. It took them a while to have a really good friendship but it still happened. Farther into of their lives Kosuke wanted to be more then friends and eventually they had become more than friends. They had their first kid when Gaara was 23 and Kosuke was 22. They also had gotton married not to long before that. They had there second child about about 5 years ago. This is her per fox Hayate
Username:Kosuke Kumiko
Name: Reiko
Parents: Kosuke Kumiko and Gaara
Age: 5
Rank: acadadmy student
Village: suna
Style(Justu): none yet

((hairs is the red like Gaara's))
Bio:She was born in Suna and now goes to the acadmy their. She wants to be a great ninja one day like her parents. She likes to play with her moms pet fox Hayate. People say she looks more like Gaara than her mom.
Username: Kosuke kumiko
Name: Daisuke
Parents: Kosuke and Gaara
Age: 12
Rank: genin
Village: suna
Style(Justu): wind but he wants to try to find his own kind of style instead of the same as his moms.

Bio: People Say he looks like his mom but has that slight kinda attitude his dad had when he was that age. But he still sometime the outgoing out their person too. His dream is to be the Kazekage after his dad. He had found a hawk with a broken wing one day and nurished it back to health. The bird never left his side since then so he kept it and named it Kiteru. He also trained it to help him on missons. This is his hawk kiteru He looks at his dad as a role model and wants to be like him when he grows up.
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