Hey. @.@ *sips coffee, attempts to wake up*
I could not sleep last night. xD I'm too excited and nervous. *sweatdrop* I'm going to stay at my Ryuukun's place for two whole days! Yay!
<--- this be Ryuukun.
Gaia is really, really glitchy lately. o_O I'd love to preview some items .. but all I get are big red X's. Oi vey.
Me no buy anything till it gets fixed. stare
Why do I have to feel so icky and blah today of all days?! Arrhg! -_x I'm sure I'll feel better when I see me Ryuu. ;.;
What I need to do now ish ...
-eat something before I collapse -take a nice long bath -get my stuff together -stop playing on Gaia long enough to do these things xD
 What type of LotR fan are you?
It actually said I was a Purist at first .. xD But I chose the next thing in line .. yes .. so what if I have the Silmarillion cross-referenced and next to me at all times?? xd I still love PJ!
The Viscount · Tue May 03, 2005 @ 07:32pm · 5 Comments |