x.x I've always thought I was more of a Tobue but hmm. xD I took three different tests and always ended up with Kiba ..
 What Wolf's Rain character are you?
Brrr ... @.@ It's so cold in here. *freezes to death* x_x
Anyway. I wasn't able to see me Pie today. -_-;; Now I'm rather depressed because of it. *Sulkage* However he gets off work again in a few days. So maybe I can see him then? heart
And Neko is going to Umi's tomorrow! ;.; *Waves* Come back safe! It's not the same without yee! ;_; *tosses flower petals*
o_o I wish mum would let me drive. It's not that I'm a bad driver, it's just that she wants me to be her little girl forever ... -.- I need to practice though. Oi.
Bah .. I guess I don't have much to say. Oh yes! I've been researching about becoming a minister! o.o Mum thinks it would be a really good idea .. the only reason she never did it was because she had to take care of us and didn't really have time for it. x.x
I want to be ordained with the Rose Ministries .. ( it's a multifaith organization .. nah I haven't converted xD ) ^^; I'd be Reverend Rebecca ... nani?! xD But I'm really really serious. I've wanted to to do this for a long time .. I just never talked about it because .. xD I don't like talking about things until I can actually DO them, ye know? I can't wait to get me license .. ^^
I'm willing to work HELLACIOUSLY hard for this. I want to be able to help people of more than one faith, so this does mean studying Christian theology too. xD *gets out ye old massive bible* Yay for learning!
Neko, Kyu? If I get my license ... *^^* Would you like me to perform the ceremony? It would be totaly spiffah! heart
The Viscount · Sun May 01, 2005 @ 07:09am · 5 Comments |