I finally have a real picture of little Teensie! =D
Here we go.

There's Teensie. In all her fuzzy camwhore glory.
She's tiny, loveable, loud, and loves to chew on fingers and/or toes. XD
We believe she is Patches' baby, but we're not entirely sure.
I'm tempted to change her name now. To something from Greek or Roman mythology. The name "teensie" just doesn't work, I don't think.
The two names I've thought of to name her are Jupiter, or Echo.
Both names can work for male or female. Even though Echo is a feminine name, and Jupiter is a masculine one, I think they sound good for either one, in the case of naming an animal anyway.
Which is good because even though I call this kitten a "she", I still don't know if it's a boy or girl. @_@
From the word for the repeating of a reflected sound, which derives from Greek ηχη (eche), meaning "sound".
In Greek mythology Echo was a nymph given a speech impediment by Hera, so that she could only repeat what others said. She fell in love with Narcissus, but her love was not returned, and she pined away until nothing remained of her except her voice.
This would be a reasonable name for her, because of her habit of mewing in response to whatever people say. It's like having a little echo. =]
From Latin Iupiter, which was from dyeu-pater, composed of the elements dyeus (see ZEUS) and pater "father".
Jupiter was the supreme god in Roman mythology. He presided over the heavens and light, and was responsible for the protection and laws of the Roman state. This is also the name of the fifth and largest planet in the solar system.
This would work because of the timing of her sudden appearance.
Jupiter, or as the Greeks called him Zeus, had the power to control the weather. When this little kitten showed up at our house for the first time, we were hit by a huge thunderstorm right after.