The Lovers and The Sadness
two bodies, joined as one, each in the others arms, listening to the soft breaths, feeling the pound of eachothers hearts, not a word passes for hours, two lovers as one.
a young man weeps alone, pain within his every beat, shut out from the world, he weeps, he ignores lifes joy and hold fast to the pain, his broken heart, his unseeing eyes, his ringing ears, his numb fingers, he weeps alone.
Love at first sight
as soon as I met you, I instantly liked you, but we are too different, if my feelings are true, I could never be with you, for we are too different, you are who you are for you walk at societies side, but I can see through the flesh to the girl inside, still, we are too different, I wish youwould take you life into your own hands, instead of being ruled by fashion and brands, either way, we are too different...
Angels and Demons
angels from the heavens, taunting the lonely soul of a demon, haunting him with regret and pain, he lives on, dispite his hateful onlookers, the pain opens new doors, granting access to new levels of knowledge, pain has induced upon him twisted pleasure, yet, dispite the pain the angels thrust upon him, the demon won't return an ounce of suffering, he relishes it, builds it up, it makes him stronger, he learns to bypass pain, he awaits the day the angels relize they have fallen, that they are now the demons, and he... the newly ascended angel.
 me in August (PS, I'm bi)
akuma kawaii · Thu Jul 19, 2007 @ 01:06am · 0 Comments |