Should he prove that he truly is worth my avatar's time, I'm not going to join the lust-crazed hordes already trying to climb in his bedroom window. She and I put our heads together and went shopping for what she'd need if she was going to earn a position in the family as more than Undead Harem Member #24601, and this is what we came up with:

If you can't tell, she's wearing black leather gloves.
This is a general purpose outfit because I wasn't going to spend hours coming up with different outfits for different situations. What she's wearing could, theoretically, serve her well from the time she gets up in the morning until whenever she finally finds sanctuary. All chosen with what we definitely know about Louie and the Von Helsons right now.
What Lola wants, Lola gets. *G*
This is what she'd probably look like getting up in the morning (is much early right now. 'nuf said)

She had to grab one of his shirts since she couldn't find what she'd worn to bed, and she needs her morning tea fix, so she grabbed her mug off the nightstand. Hair would be messier, though.