I am walking down the block towards my house with a group of people with the intent of catching Byakko, who has been appearing for unknown reason's in my back yard. (For those who don't know, Byakko, in Japanese mythology is one of the four gods, The White Tiger. In this dream, though, he is not a god, but an anthropomorphic white tiger, and a complete enigma). I am feeling optimistic, because I remember doing this task successfully in the past. For a brief moment, I realize that this is a dream, I feel I had it before, I know the outcome, yet I am irresistably drawn to go through the motions. With that eerie tone established, let's get on with the dream.
It becomes night. While walking to my house I look over my fence at a physically impossible angle and see a shadowy figure, and assume I have caught a glimpse of Byakko. It becomes day.
Upon reaching my house I find this bizarre stick on my lawn (most likely a dream's interpretation of a real tree branch that is on my lawn in waking life). Apparently it is a weapon of sorts, for I pick it up, and know for a fact that it can launch projectiles out of it's claw-like frontside. I say, "I wonder if Byakko will let me blast him with this," and continue to my house, holding the weapon.
I reach my door and open it up, but encounter a brick wall. I am overcome with intense depression and exhasperation. I drop the stick, collapse to the ground, and my vision becomes black and blurry. A group of kids comes and opens the brick wall like a door with ease. Reluctantly, I follow them into my house.
Upon entering my house, the first thing they do is begin raiding my garage. Although I am both troubled and angered by the raid, it seems completely natural and predictable, and I remember it happening many times in the past. I know that there are adults nearby, and that they are aware that the raids take place, but they are not present at the moment and have never caught the kids in the act. I find out that my best friend is the one responsible for these raids, yet once again, this is not surprising. I angrily ask them what they want anyway, and two of the kids hold up a glass of wine, and some cookies. I say, "You're raiding my house for one and cookies? You guys need to grow up!" The kids merely laugh and suggest that I am the one who needs to grow up. They enventually leave, taking whatever they want with no consequence.
After they leave I find a box that appeared to be the center of the raid. I try to put it at a high place so as to at least inconvenience them on the next raid, but after a few tries, I find myself physically and emotionally unable to do so. I look inside the box and find a strange game. Apparently the objective was toeat various matching objects. These objects included colored spheres and Magic the Gathering cards (both real and imaginary) and progressed in levels like a video game. Eventually, I become bored with it and go out back on my deck.
I feel as though many days have passed and that Byakko has come and gone undetected each night. There are many people on my deck all partying and having a good time despite having full knowledge of all the problems going on. (For some unkown reason, Byakko is considered a problem). I find my mother and tell her about the raids. She seems to know that they are occurring and is irritated about them, but only suggests that I stop hanging out with my friend. Apparently we were still on good terms outside of the raids. I agree with my mother's advice.
Next I see my parents drinking some wierd cocktails, and they ask me if I want one. I accept eagerly. My dog, which in real life died a year and a half ago, is present, but in poor health, and has strangely colored fur. My parents take a small bit of his fur and put it in the cocktail before handing it to me. There doesn't seem to be anything strange or illogical about this. The cocktail tastes very good.
It becomes night. It sit in a chair and want higher elevation to catch a glimpse of Byakko. Unnaturally, my chair begins to float up into the air. Once again, for a moment, I am concious that this is a dream, and know that whenever I start floating in a dream it never ends well, so I will my chair back to the ground.
I hear a tiger roar and see Byakko, very clearly, running into a shadowed area near the fence of my backyardI shout and point, and my mom turns her head slowly, but misses Byakko. A few seconds later, Byakko runs back to where he came from. I shout and point again, but again my mom is to slow. It seems clear that Byakko has a definite purpose, and that purpose is undesirable, but it is a complete mystery as to what that purpose is. It becomes day.
I am very depressed and have been ever since the brick wall. My last thoughts are that there are so many problems, but I, the only person who cares to fix them, can do absolutely nothing.
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"When science has uttered her voice, let babblers hold their peace."
~Jules Verne