I was bored, so I made a demonic refridgerator with a sound system.
I might actually buy the stuff for this car. Maybe.
All I really need is the wings, and the white paint.
I have everything else, because my current Gaia car is a Scion.
that hippiefied Scion right thar:

Funny how I keep going for the Scion. I never liked Scions that much. The ones I've seen anyway. They're all box-like and awkward looking.
(I did see one that I loved... only because it made me laugh. Big green Scion. About as box-shaped as they come... with a big decal on the top of the windshield that said "X-BOX" in huge letters. It was one of the greatest cars I've ever seen. XD)
Out of Gaia's options, my favorite is really the Possom. >_>
But you can't decorate it. The possom has hardly any good decals and such.
Nope, the Scion has all the pretty s**t. The Possom just has all the pretty paint jobs.
So here's my dorky looking Scion of evil. In all it's box-shaped greatness. =D
Phear it.

Total Value: 7,135 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Scion White Under Glow
Scion 16
Scion Racer Strips Roof Decal
Scion Racer Strips Side Decal
Demonic Wings
Scion Racer Strips Front Decal
Scion Super White
You know what? Gaia needs a Beetle.
I'd seriously love them forever if they added a Beetle. <3