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It still feels like I need to tell someone something...
Song of the Day...Never Too Late, by Three Days Grace
Stat... confused
Song of the Day...Never Too Late, by Three Days Grace
Stat... confused
That up there is a a few ideas for my new journal layout, though I'm still thinking on it. I'm not sure if I'm just not used to it, or if it just isn't working. I'm also considering changing the main color from purple to green. Which is what it used to be. Or red. I don't really know. The first sentence is meant to be kind of like a thought like the kinds of things I write in WhiteStream. And that certain thought up there is important...The song of the Day is just whatever song I've had stuck in my head all day. Trust me, I can't go a day without thinking of a song. And the Status is how I feel today, expressed in an emote or a word. Anyway, moving on from all that, here's my actual entry. ^_^
Toda ywas okay...I guess. But like a lot of things at the end of this year, it wasn't what I expected. -_- Anyway, today, when we got here (on time, might i add ^_^), I started giving out the gifts ansd stuff. I gave Kim a little purple piggy. And Shirley got a fuzzy bear. Rasheeda got the giraffe. ^_^ Rahimon got the lion, Lwam got the dinosaur (yes it was the teeniest one, but cute none the less!), and of course Jazzy got the cutest one, the little Hello Kitty. ^_^ Everyone else (Shami, Chantale, Mariama, Zamaarriaha, Janell, Briana, and the Hutnun) got little notebooks. ^_^ Jazzy got one of those too.
And I also got a few gifts! ^_^ Kim gave me and Jazzy little polar bears (i got brown and she got white). WHich was so cute!!! And Shirley got me a little kitty, and she got Jazzy a little doggy! ^_^ They were all so cute! OH and the BESTESTEST one of all,, from me numbah wun bud, a purple hippo! From Jasdeep, of course. cool
Around that time, I also returned my Science textbook, and got my cap and gown. Haha, Ms. Benner called me an old Nanny for returning on the last day. lol mrgreen
After that, we had some free time and all. And we had Graduation rehearsal...again. -__- It was so boring. I'm glad my part is so easy, cuz I don't have to count seats or anything, since I'll be on stage. ^_^ After those long and boring two hours, we went back to class, and got our year books! Yay! And we got to start signing people's books. Which was okay I guess.
Lunch was alright. I took the darn burito looking thingy (yuck!)...I should've taken the chicken sandwich!
Anyway, after that, we got to go out to finish signing from everyone. Hah, I got tired. And then we were just sitting there on the ground by the fence with Ms. Mathis, just listening to music and playing with the little stuffed animals. haha my bear was kissing the cat, and Jasdeep's bear. And then Matthew stole my bear, and I chased him and bumped into Bryant and scabbed my knee. But not an actual scab. It's actually not there anymore. xd Anyway, I think playing with the bears in the yard was the most fun part of all.
After that, we would've gone home, but I was holding onto Rahima's art stuff, and we wanted to say goodbye to Rahima and Lwam, so we waited on the benches by the buildings with Celine and Izzy. We were waiting with Rasheeda. She's a bad influence on her giraffe with all her cursing! Lol. And, I actually ended up hugging a lot of people tosay, lol.
I ended up giving Brittney her stuff to give to Rahima since she was going back to school to hang out anyway.
When Rahima and Lwam finally came (with Joshua Hamed and Ehsan), someone dropped her art thingy in the muddy water, so she threw it on the floor and kicked it! And then she picke dit up and trashed it, lol. Ah, what a waste of art...anyway, after that we basically had pizza, and went home. 3nodding
Even if this is the last official day of school, I still expected it to be different.. And I'm particularly unhappy for a certain reason... but whatever to that as usual. cry
Anyway, I'll definitely be back on Friday!!!
Wow, I wonder if this is my new longest entry, with the exception of that recent one in WhiteStream. ^_^
I wonder if anyone is actually reading this...I doubt it. Oh well. Here I am...and I'll be watching anime, as soon as my mom gets out of here!
