A ledgend in ancient japan tells of a forest where gods of all elements and animals live, hidden from the eyes of humans, who would think of them as mosters. But they all have important roles. Without them....the world would crumble. Even the evil gods are of some signifigance too, for balance must be. This ledgend starts with a young Wolf-princess named Okuyu.With the appearence of mostly human, she and her wolf family live in the deapest of the woods. As a child, she once ventured into a village of humans, who caught her. They chained her as she snarled and clawed, and had the strongest of the men set for an execution. As the blow was to be struck mother wolf , Mori , and her pack leaped at him and freed Okuyu. The humans gathered their wepons and chased after them. Mori signald for her furless child to stand and run, but Okuyu did not move. Just before Mori attacked, okuyu was struck slightly with a blunt club. Mori put her in her back and ran off. Now as an adult...she dispizes humans, and vise versa. This is her appearence:

*Okuyu wakes up to the delishious smell of meat and sits up to find the wolves feasting upon a wild deer. She quickly stand and walks over to one of her family members*
Okuyu: Hey, Koh! How late did I sleep!? How come you all went hunting without me?
Koh: Well since you always get the first kill we thought we'ed give you a break......
Okuyu: You just wanted the vertue of the kill didnt you!!? Ya know..for a wolf u sure dont act like one!!
Koh: And for a human you sure dont act like one!
*okuyu stood silent as frustration set in*
Okuyu: IM NOT A HUMAN!!! I should put you in your place you b*****d!!!
*As okuyu drew her knife a younger female wolf bit into her clothes*
Okuyu: CHII?!?
Chii: Okuyu....dont....he's senile and doesnt know his place.....not worth such a squarel.
*Okuyu threw her knife just a few millameters from Koh's head, and penatrated the tree behind him*
Okuyu: DAMNIT KOH!!! *She starts walking away*
Koh:You missed me! You aim like a human!
Okuyu: I wasnt aiming for you and youre lucky! If I was aiming for you, youre head would have been a lot more split open than that tree behind you!
Chii: Where are you going Okuyu!?
Okuyu: Anywhere but here!
*okuyu walks far into the forest and settles on a rock. She suddenly feels uneasy. Her instincts tell her she is being watched*
Okuyu: Who is there!!?? Show yourself!!
??: Hm? why are you here wolf princess?
???:Why so far from the pack?
*the voices echoe and suddenly two girls drop down from the trees:
Water god Yamui

Fire God Shimitatsuo

Okuyu: Who are you? Gods?
Shimitatsuo: I am shimitatsuo....the goddess of fire.
Yamui: I am the water goddess Yamui.
Okuyu:.....elemental gods? I am Okuyu princess of wolves
Yamui: Sorry for the scare. We thought you were a human.
Shimitatsuo: We are on our way to a meeting of gods in this erea...Mori was to come but it seems she is sick so you will do fine.
Okuyu: Sooo....Shimitatsuo was it?
Shimitatsuo: Since were friends now..you can just call me Shimi-chan.
Okuyu: Ok Shimi-chan.....sooo....wat is this meeting for?
Yamui: Its about the forest and the humans!^.^
*They arrive at a campfire with many other gods around it. And in charge was a earth priest.*
Priest: Yamui! Shimitatsuo! You are late! SIT!
Shimitatsuo: Phht...old fart! *sits*
Yamui: Yessir! *sits*
*Shimitatsuo jerks Okuyu downward, forcing her to sit*
Okuyu: OOWW! HEY!
Preist: NOW MY CHILDREN!!! Line up to identify yourslves!
I am Gaketenyo.....Cat god!

I am Hentoyu......god of light!

I am Utetski......moon god

I am Yamata......tiger god......

Anju....god of darkness

mimiko! Kitsune god! YAY!

Inaiu.....god of the west forest!

Rani! Wind goddess!

momiji!!! GODDESS OF FLOWERS!!!^.^

Yamui! Water god!!!
Shimitatsuo! Fire god!
Uhhhh.....Okuyu......wolf princess.
Priest: Okuyu? Mori's daughter? I see....EVERYONE! You are all going to be assighned a team...to infiltrate 3 human bases! The humans have built machines that threaten the health of our forest! Try to nagotiate first! Force later.....no unecissary blood spilled on either side! I will now assighn teams!
Okuyu: WHAT!!??? WHAT THE FU-
*Shimitatsuo quickly covers her mouth with both hands*
Yamui: Shimi-chan....you are going to burn her face off.....
*she lets go but signals her to be quiet*
Okuyu: mission? But I never...I-I......
Yamui: Most of us dont want to...but as protectors of this world....it is our duty.
Shimitatsuo: Plus....im sure youre are glad to go in the stead of your mother.
Okuyu: ........
*Utetski (moon goddess), Rani (wind goddess), and Anju (goddess of darkness) walk over to them*
Rani: We're on your team!!!
Shimitatsuo: HUH? But I didnt hear.....
Anju: ....You were all fighting.....
Utetski: It was quite loud.....
*yamui glares at shimitatsuo then sighs*
Okuyu: When do we start?.....I mean.....can I bring my body guards?
Rani: Body guards?
Okuyu: the wolves protect me....
Anju: Not very brave......
Okuyu: What did you say you little b***h?
Rani: Geeze Anju! Why do you have to be so mean!?? BE HAPPY!!
Anju: Happy? How can I be happy? I am the dark goddess....I have no love...alone....always in the dark.....im sorry im not who you want.....
Utetski:......uhhh...lets set camp then and head out in the morning....then......
Shimitatsuo:uhhh...Ill light the campfire!!!! *she puts her hands together and the wood ignites*
*after putting out the fires they all slept. Okuyu was still awake*
Okuyu: ........hhmmm....there was more girls than boys at that meeting....maybe the god of all gods is a pervert......ah well.....I better not sleep with an open kimono......or go to the bathroom........s**t!
(or its just because photobucket's an a**)