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OMG. Today was really great! ^_^ 4laugh Okay, we started with a bunch of free time in the morning, since we didn't actually go until like 10:00. Haha, me Shirley, Destiny, and the hutnun were just looking through a magazine thw whole time. mad D I HAD NO IDEA AVRIL LAVINGE WAS MARRIED! sweatdrop Hehe, it wuz fun. According to Shirley, I am now "fruity" for wearing those blue pants. Waaah! My mommy made me!
Well, at first Jasdeep was a little gloomy, so the walk to the Red Lobster was kind of boring. And I never did find out why she was gloomy... ninja ...anyway, when we got there, it was cramped at first, but I got used to it. It was actually a pretty nice place. Anyway, it was SO GREAT!
Jasdeep got out of her gloominess...(probably due to someone else being caused pain ^_^) The food there was great! First they gave out drinks and appetizers. I got orange soda, which was SOOO GOOD! And then they had biscuits. I gave mine to Chantale. She had like 9 biscuits! rofl Haha, and then we had mozzarella sticks. After that, they finally came out with the main courses, which took a while actually. I had chicken fingers, and fries, WHI WERE SO GOOD! Those fries were DA BESTEST! And I didn't know chicken fingers tasted so good! Those were the BEST!!! heart heart heart After that, I was kind of stuffed, so I didn't really eat much of my ice cream. Hehe, I had a chunk of Jasdeep's cake too. ^_^ And some of her m&m's too. ^_^ Ah, the food was DA BESTEST! And I mean...
Hehe, I was kicking Briana and Kimberly the whole time too. ^_^ Chantale was sitting next to me, so of course, I was threatening her with the butter knife. ^_^ And the fork...^_^ Oh I also played this game with her, where I have to talk on and on without saying like, or hesitating for one minute in a topic of her choice. Haha, I got to talk about glass. ^_^ It was pretty easy...according to my babbling, glasses are purple, and clear glasses are actually orange....and Spiderman has an unnaturally amazing love for glasses. xd
Haha, and it was so fun also cuz me and Jasdeep were singing along with a bunch of songs from her cellphone, which WAS SO MUCH FUN. ^_^ And were just doing that almost the whole time actually lol. And we were doing Girlfriend to bug the hutnun, cuz she hates that song. ^_^ And that was so much fun!!!
Maaan, I didn't wanna leave! That was like one of our best trips, perhaps second to the Queens Hall of Science. ^_^ 4laugh
Anyway, after that when we were walking back, haha Kimberly was trying to kill me! sweatdrop The things that one little kick will make a person do. xd
After we walked back, we had the last period for free time. ^_^ It was so funny. I was killing Shirley (well, shaking her back and forth) and Mr. Bednar caught me. rofl Haha, and then, we were making fun of the hutnun, cuz she couldn't draw manga eyes. mad D Me, Destiny, Rahima, Lwam, and Jasdeep could all draw better than her! Haha. And then, Briana's sandal was stolen by Rebecca and Janell, and they were slapping her with it. Haha. rofl And then the funniest part of all, was when Rahima accidentally broke (well chipped the edge of) Lwam's i-pod, and she was chasing her around the room with the textbook! AND SHE ACTUALLY HIT HER WITH IT TOO! Haha, it was also pretty funny when everyone was sitting on Rahima. There were like 4 people on top of each other. Rahima was under Kim under Destiny under Lwam! Hehe.
And another good thing about thoday is that Shirley promoted me again! Thanx so much Shirley! ^_^ 4laugh
So, I went home, and here I am...hey I just remembered. I have half a brownie left in my pocket. *goes to eat it*

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