Ah, yes. Make a Journal Entry about her! mad Nah, I'm not mad at her or anything, I just need another entry to keep this thing flowing. Y'know. So, might as well do it on my sister. (Damn summer)
Anyway, she's 27, and if you've actually seen my sisters picture on myspace, it isn't that good. :[
That's why, instead of that one, I've decided to post this one:

I know it's small, you just gotta deal with me here. Besides, it looks way better than the other one.
Anyway, some things about my sister are that she can dance. Literally swing dance her toes off. Sometimes, I wish I can dance like that. @-@ She has a good sense of humor, and when she puts her mind to something, she gets it done. She kinda reminds me of myself.
Also, just recently, she's been taking care of a new-found friend we call Teddy. And yes, it is a turtle. Look:

You should see Teddy now. He's gotten big lol.
I've actually grown used to him myself and whenever I wake up, I go straight to his tank to see what he is doing. :3
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