Everyone has a destiny, there is no possible way to escape it. No one can change their destiny, but one day a girl tried, and her whole life fell apart...
In the shadows lived a small town, Twilight Town. One day, the darkest day of the year, a little girl was born, Arella. Unlike the other kids, her skin was light. She had blond hair and gray eyes. Her destiny was to be an dark little demon, like everyone else in her society, but she didn't agree. She was different. Everyone could tell. It was like she was the exact opposite. But what is the opposite of a demon? An angel. That's what she thought she should be. One day she left Twilight Town to start her new life.
Life treated her pretty well. Arella was a great angel: she helped many people. But one day, exactly 5 years from when she left Twilight Town, the darkest day came rolling by. She feared this day, as did many angels, because the darkest day was when all the angels lost their power and the shadows came out to play.
Arella was walking down the street staying away from the dark shadows. As she walked she didn't see a single person. This is weird, she thought. Soon, she reached a dead end. Somehow she had become surrounded by shadows. “What? How?” she said under her breath. She got her answer soon. A few feet in front of her a purple circle was burned on the ground. Purple smoke started to rise from the circle. The angel wanted to run, but there was no where to go. She could feel the eyes of the hiding shadows watching her. Then, out of the smoke, a shadow arose, right out of the ground. Arella stared, wide-eyed fearing what would happen next. For a while, the shadow just stood there, not saying or doing anything, then it looked up, straight at Arella.
Arella took a step back, but the shadow just took a step forward.
“You can't essscape,” it said. “You can't essscape your destiny. You don't belong heeere.” A black hole appeared under the shadow and he simply fell into it. Arella just stood there, not knowing what to do. The next instant another black hole appeared behind Arella and the shadow jumped out. Arella screamed. Then the shadow ripped off her angel wings.
“You don't belong heeere,” it said again. “Come with usss.” Arella panicked and tried to hit the shadow, but her arm just went through it. Both arms turned purple. Arella just stared in shock. “Wh-wh-what's going on?” she asked.
“We're bringing you baaack,” the shadow replied. It grabbed her shoulders. The moment he touched her, her angelic skirt changed dark purple as well. But Arella couldn't do anything about it. She couldn't move at all. The shadow was in complete control over her. He dragged her towards the ring of purple smoke.
Once they were back in the circle, the shadow hissed, “Let'sss go hooome...” Arella didn't move, she didn't budge, she didn't scream, or blink, or breathe. She was frozen in time. The next instant, they were both gone and the shadows continued their play on the darkest day...
But will it ever end?
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