Today was, I'm listening to Life is Like A Boat, by Rie Fu right now, which was the 2nd song from the end themes of Bleach. It's such a beautiful song! whee I also found the 3rd end song from Bleach, Houkiboshi, by Younha, well the remix for it, which is better too! 4laugh Love that song! I've been thinking about that one all day! ^_^
Anyway, in the beginning of the day,we had Math, so we just talked about what would and what should be on the Menu when we go to the Red Lobster, which we get to take a bus to, just for Hamed, lol. rofl xd
After Math, we had SS, so we just talked and stuff, and Bryant's group was getting ready to presnt, which they did next period. Also...I ORGANIZED Shirley's locker, lol, but we still didn't find her book...
In Art, we just saw a documentary of Bob Dylan rolleyes ...
Then, in SS again, we saw a couple of presentations. We saw Bryant, Hamed, Matthew, and Maurice's presentation, and we saw Reginald, Daniel H., and Omar's presentation. No offense to them, but it wasn't...that good....aand I hope ours works out a little better and clearer to understand with the skit...
At Lunch, we stayed in to work on our projects... emo (to other journal)
Then, in Literacy, we just saw Destiny, Abiel, and Kia's presentation, which was pretty good. ^_^ And Mariama, Brittney, Briana, and (forgot who da 4th person was) did good as well. The KWL chart was a good idea. ^_^
Anyway, I'm gonna finish up my other journal entry, then I'll finish that episode of Tusbasa Chronicle from yesterday! ^_^

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