Looks"White hair, balck wings, tall, his sowrd hand is always bones nobody knows why.
weapons:Knife, Katana, A weird spear like sowrd, High powered pistol, And Dark Evil Unknown powers, Is the key to a portal of life and death.
atittude:Very plesent person to be around (if your on his good side).Loves women that aren't afraid of him or death. Very serious no sense of humor. (don't toy around with him)
Occupation: Vampire and Lycan hunter
Race:Fallen Angel. Dead and Alive can change
History: As a boy he worshiped the devil and wanted to die. The other angels in his town,Winda, thought he was a demon. When the time came for his wings,age is usally aroung 10-12, to grow in they were black there was a prophicy that said a boy with black wings would leave the town in ruins. The people kicked him out of his town. His own parents didn't want him. he wandered the world till he was 13. At the age of 15 everything about his powers and hatred towrds humans started. A scientist Captured him and did reaserch on him. when the time came to kill him the scientist acedntly mixed the death scyerm with radation. As the scientist droped some of it on Kisho's skin his skin began riping off him and then regrowing. Then a light flashed and Kisho, only bones now, as free. The last words of the scientist were "What an amazing discovery" before Kisho sliced his head off with his katana.
Just then he relized all the hatered and suffering in his life. He blamed it on his home town then he flew to winda in his anger he blew the town into ruins killing every last inhabitend. At age 21 he Learnd to controle all his powers even voulentaraly change from life to death. He Vowed that he would never love again or befriend a human.