Today was okay to good-ish. I actually have enough time to write stuff today, since I came home on time today, cuz I didn't have to wait for anyone. ^_^ Okay, so today basically started off with umm...*takes a moment to recall* Oh yeah, I was basically just studying for the social studies all day. In homeroom...and in Math, and in part of science.
Well, during Science, the Mock Trial people ewre taking the social studies test, so I was just studying and bugging Briana. Haha, she can't forge signatures. rofl And she can't draw either...I do not look like a red crown! Maybe a purple clown...BUT A RED CLOWN??? Pfft...
Gym was pretty fun. Ms. Baer said that since we were talking too much, she wasn't gonna do yoga, so we just got free time. At first I was just jumping rope with Rasheeda and Rahima (she actually jumped a little 3nodding ). Then, once the Mock Trial people came back we played limbo and we played the Chinese rope thing too. It was pretty fun...except.... confused
Anyway, after that in Math, I just did a little more studying. And we (Mariama, Rahima, Jasdeep, me) were just sitting there talking about stuff. OMG. My ear just...VIBRATED... eek Really Shirley...thanx for showing me that video about the kid with 2 spiders in his gives me...THOUGHTS... gonk Oh yeah, in Math, they were like talking about clothes and stuff. And, Rahima's gonna ignore me in high school if I don't change. rofl xd Oh well. I have a feeling I'll look the same in high school. ^_^
At lunch, I was still studying...we went to the classroom outside the halls after a while though, which was fun. ^_^ Lol, I was hogging my notes again. rofl Haha, Kim was dragging me on her lwg cuz I was begging her for the answers on the test lol. She's pretty strong. xd I studied all of my notes, but there were still stuff in there that Ms. Mathis didn't mention...she's such a forgetful squirrel... rolleyes I guess I failed anyway. sweatdrop
Regents classes were okay. We finished up the questions from Tuesday. 3nodding
And here I am at home. I forgot to bring my Spanish notebook, so I'll probably be needing the textbook. Luckily, Ms. Baldini is ACTUALLY A NICE TEACHER. Her test is probably pretty easy. 3nodding Thank Allah. 3nodding
... emo
Not much else really happened today I suppose...hmm..... redface
Well, tomorrow, we get to finish up the social studies projects. 3nodding I should probably print a nicer version of the title. A bigger bersion is probably better, less fanciness I guess, though. So, I'll go do that now. And maybe I'll be able to squeeze in an episode of Tsubasa Chronicle! heart

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