Today was okay. I was worried about the science test all day, which actually turned out to be pretty easy, except for the last page. That...I completely screwd up. -_- sweatdrop
Let's see what else...umm...not much time. Brother seems to have dropped his after school stuff for some reason...whatever, though.
It was so funny at the end of regents classes today! Jasdeep showed Mr. Bednar the video of me screaming "THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOU!" And then, I like chased her down the halls and kicked her, lol. Haha, what fun. ^_^
Hehe, and then outside, when Shirley was going under the fence, I held her bag, and she was hunting me down. And then, I think Kim grabbed my bag so I let it go, but a certain fizzle threw it in the grass! And I had to like run from Shirley and go get it. Then when I stepped on Jasdeep's shoe, she chased me all the way around the little area by the trees, and she threw a rock at me too! rofl Haha, missed too.
Well, Emran's home, so no more time to write here...maybe if he doesn't come. ^_^
