Non Fiction Arena SpotLight
- "everyday is my death" by cuppcake00
- well, i know of this girl, who's just simple and jolly... but then one day, she was inlove.. and she didn't want her mother to know that she was inlove and that she has a crush, so she changed the name in her phonebook and inst...
- Pardon? I don't speak Wapanese by Freak Yes
- Yes, this is a rant, but it is also much more. No, I'm not trying to be racists. I'm just trying to prove a point. If you want to comment please be mature while doing so and please be mature while reading this. Feel free to...
- Sleep, or lack thereof by Saukio
- Insomnia. =/ Find me on dA as well, [i-lie]
- A Confession of a Secret Love by black_butterfly_maiden
- MAn I wuz sooooooo I wrote dis caution:nun of it iz real
- Dark Angel part one by DEMONWEAVER127
- just started this,part one,tell me if its worth continuing.
- Little Girl in Her Home by just your typical creeper
- This story is a true story, about me when i was younger.Enjoy reading, and please give your opinion.
- No More by LeanderMalfoy
- No More on More than friends or the Angel Series
- The Vampires Orders and Eva! by iCrazie123
- This is a story about a girl named Eva and her sister Orders.It tells it all but this isnt it all.Once Meh and her write more I will add it or just add it in a new story.Well I hope u lk this one 4 now and plz rate and comment ...
- What A Dream by tacogurl0
- Well, I wrote this story/poem of when I was dreaming about this. Forgive me if it sounds crappy.
- The assault on White beach/peleliu The second mission of the charulsins raders
- Secrets-chapter1-part1 by Kiatala
- Even your secerets you hold could either lead you too your doom or prosparity
- My jokes by ll BreakMare ll
- many jokes
- What I Lost A Katrina Story by Love YumiChika
- Another English Assignment where you have to right about your feelings. This time i decided to post on Gaia to see everyone elses point of view. The topic was about something you lost the first paragraph is about what I lost, ...
- Life of a jet setter by Artistic Joy
- Me and my family travel very often.
- Slow dancing aliens? by F__kalicious
- it was a two page creative essay i just finished and i thought i would let gaia read it. i really want feedback on this essay so please comment.
- Love ........ by puppies_loveme
- very Emotinal and very creative xx
- The Prank Call Trouble #1 by Hakuru-san
- you guys gotta watch That 70's Show really man
- Grand’s of Sand by Sqwinkers
- My Life
- What makes a great teacher by Follow the Hopeless
- Ok so i had to do this for a school project and just wanted to see what u guys thought. oh btw this is at a 8th grade level so dont like yell at me for it not being long enough *=name changed due to the fact that i dont want u ...