High School Flashback Arena SpotLight
- Letter To Me by LynSayzWTF
- He have send this to me after he broke my hart... No he really didn't i found out his new gaia and i read the things he said about his feelings of me.... I love him... He broke my heart...
- FromThose Who Cam From Nothing by LynSayzWTF
- This fake autobiography is the first page from a four (each page 7+) chapter book I wrote for my freshman year when I was 13. I don't know if this counts as a "flashback", so don't get mad. ---Please, excuse all the typos an...
- THE FIRST MOVIE by Xxyankee-nellyxX
- BORING!!!!
- Clumsy Me.... by x-iiiNikkiT
- Ummm.... I was walking looking for a table when I tripped and.....
- Ms.LOSER by x-iiiNikkiT
- Ever since the acident... >.<
- i love you gaia for evey day by azizan123456789
- azizan123456789 say i love you gaia
- high school life by ejatax
- high school you would think its great . . . . . . . . . . . .
- Accident by heppi_blood
- My first kiss is.....
- hi by thegangster50
- ummmmmmmmmm. IM COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Love to un love by cracker cosh
- Love is not to freak love is to care for.
- All love is lost. by cracker cosh
- love is not easy
- Fahrenheit 451 Short Story by BellorJello
- My old account got hacked so i'm re-submitting my old story that i made for a project for my english class in high school (jr. year) . if you haven't read Fahrenheit 451 then you probably won't understand what is going on but i...
- kathy by PoseidensDaughter
- 2 laps
- My Freshman Year by XxNinja_ Gummi_BearxX
- I just ended my freshman year! I'm gunna miss it!
- Random Discussions. by Chardryn
- I've been having issues with my life lately... Haha. No surprise there. I've been stressed about the ACT's, the SAT's, the grades, relationships, and all of the other crap in my Junior year. Yeah, fun stuff. I hate drama, but I...
- love letter..... by prince_alarcon
- love letter...