High School Flashback Arena SpotLight
- Freshman by kaieunown13
- Just read it you'll find out. This is for every CD student out there.
- Black eye by fudgerules95
- high school
- Splash! by the_nerd1000
- Party. Splash. You get it.
- Just chillin with a guitar by Gnommie
- one of my friends just kinda came with a guitar one day and it all happened.
- IceR by Awe Arcadia
- IceR
- Love by QQnoNeko000
- My wonderful princess story
- Activating The Trip Wire by Yuuko423
- Just some things I wanted to get off my chest. I graduated a couple weeks ago and I feel lost. I know that everything will work out in the end, but right now just seems like an awful lot.
- The number 17 by Cas3ti3
- I had a lot going on at the age of 17 I will always remember that year. I had fun times and bad.
- When it all falls down.... by Jazzsaprncss
- This is a quick tale of how I completely embarrassed myself in front of my crush!!
- wow by cutelover22
- omg high school was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo harriebale for me
- High school memories by Destotim
- Very funny
- dang high school sucked by xX_purple_vampire_Xx
- i was always the popular kid in school because i played all the sports and i had the HOTTEST girlfriend ever
- bf fight by XxxX kaylee XxxX
- hope u enjoy this actually happend
- Regret ever letting you go by xXcrazy_cookie96Xx
- doesnt rhyme but hey its a true stroy
- complicated by Captain Bubbly Blues
- finding the difference between the love of a best friend and the love of a boyfriend
- my high school memories by xogenaaaaxo
- well here are some things that happened to me in highschool so far. :)