High School Flashback Arena SpotLight
- be brave and live happily by looking-for-the-right-guy
- my story that got out that ill never forget and mention my friends but i call them my heroes because if it wasnt for them i proabally wouldnt be here right now
- the dating tree by Eyeless-Milo
- why boys dont allways go for the girls they like or are the best for them
- put back the pieces by White Rabbit Mara
- this poem is one i wrote about two weeks after we broke up. for at least a month i was devastated. i still feel the scars almost 5 months later. there must be something wrong with me.
- Love unexpressed by sublime_necromancer
- Ever crushed on a girl, sort of tried to tell her you liked her, but didn't say it?
- The Long Journey Home Ch2 by Archives of Sin
- What the hell? Stupid thing, messed me up, :/ well, it's fixed now! Anyways, it's the 2nd chapter of my zOMG! fanfiction. Comments are welcome. NO FLAMING!!! Enjoy! I know it's short but..... I'm not saying anything more. If yo...
- <3 :] by iris603255
- a note 4m the heart!!<3
- Drill Team Disaster by Domiwen
- The worst day for any teen in my school's drill team. Just so you know, I'm not in high school, I'm only in junior high.
- The Dreaded Pole by Gold Sea Sage
- Well, back in the yesterdays of my memory, i had a slight accident.
- the cursers/the pencil by Philosophy Kill
- just a couple funny tales
- cheated on by uchiha_neko1561
- my boyfriend cheating on me and laughing about it.
- Bad Luck Tripper by mscutie_16
- A time that wasn't a good time to trip.
- A Little Note of Sincerity by Scourge_of_the_Abyss
- This is a letter I wrote to a girl who's dad committed suicide During our senior year...
- Sing, Laugh and Talk by Delicate Justice
- I was in an all-girls school previously. I moved to a different country and am now in a co-ed school. These are all the things I missed doing in class with my best friends.
- oooh high school by RASTA55
- I miss high school alote,it was fun and i liked a girl there before.
- oooh high school by RASTA55
- I miss high school alote,it was fun and i liked a girl there before.